Why Celebrities and Cultural Icons Choose Homeopathic Medicine

 Why Celebrities and Cultural Icons Choose Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicine is a medical system commonly referred to as homeopathy, was created in Germany more than 200 years ago. It is founded on two unorthodox theories:

The idea that an illness can be healed by a drug that causes similar symptoms in healthy persons is known as “like cures like.”

“Law of microdoses”: the idea that a drug’s effectiveness increases with decreasing dose. There are frequently no molecules of the original drug left in many homeopathic products.

Today’s users of homeopathy stand beside PAST AND PRESENT CULTURAL GIANTS! There are GOOD reasons why so many of the most accomplished and well-known individuals throughout the past 200 years have utilized and/or promoted homeopathic medicine. Read the full article here: https://www.philahomeopathy.com/popularity-of-homeopathic-medicine/
