Asthma treatment

Asthma Treatment works only if it is individualized for each particular patient. There are many different asthma Treatment options available for asthma patients. Asthma Treatment is always on a case-to-case basis. As with any kind of prescription, you cannot use another person's prescription and think that it will work for you the way it did for him just because you have the same symptoms. You need to see a doctor personally and based on his diagnosis, you will be suggested several treatment options.

Asthma treatment

Medications for asthma

There are many effective medications for asthma. Most people with asthma need two kinds: quick-relief medicines and long-term control medicines.

Patients may be reluctant to take medication for asthma because of the cost or the potential side effects. If you have such concerns, talk with your allergist. Your allergist will work with you to find the right medicine, or combination of medicines, to manage your asthma and will adjust the dosage based on your symptoms and control. The goal is to have you feel your best with the least amount of medicine.

Drugs for BA

Quick-relief medicines are taken at the first sign of symptoms for immediate relief:

  • Short-acting inhaled beta2-agonists
  • Anticholinergic

Both types of medication for asthma are bronchodilators, meaning that they expand the passageways into the lungs (the bronchi), allowing more air in and out and improving breathing. They also help to clear mucus from the lungs by enabling the mucus to move more freely and get coughed out more easily.

Note: Medications for asthma-like bronchodilators and steroids have their side effects. These side effects range from palpitations, increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, tachycardia, insomnia, gastrointestinal disturbances, stomach problems, drug dependence, convulsions, osteoporosis, cataract formation, and suppression of the immune system.

These medications for asthma are very effective in the prevention and control of asthma but the side effects are also quite serious and are a cause of concern for many. In light of this, using a natural treatment for asthma seems like the better option due to its safety and effectiveness.

What is asthma attack?

Unless you have experienced it yourself, you may wonder, what is an asthma attack? Bronchial asthma popularly known as asthma is a disease of the bronchial tubes characterized by the narrowing of the air passage in and out of the lungs, making breathing difficult. The difference between bronchial asthma and bronchitis despite their similarity is that is triggered by a certain allergen such as molds spores, dusts feathers, pollen, drugs, and maybe surprisingly, certain foods. These substances trigger asthma, and it may differ from individual to individual. Asthma also has genetic roots as it can be hereditary and also thrive in certain seasons.


Other factors that can trigger an asthma attack include stress, which can be emotional or psychological, and a change in season, substance exposure at the place of work, etc. An asthma patient is required to undergo an allergy test to ascertain the factor(s) responsible for an attack.

Asthma attack or asthmatic condition occurs when the muscles around the airways (bronchial tubes) tighten and thicken and the air passages become inflamed and mucus-filled. This makes it difficult for air to flow through which causes difficulty in breathing.

Asthma attacks can cause panic, and they can be a very frightening experience. Many attacks are not serious and can be handled with the simple usage of an inhaler. These provide quick relief for the user.

Other more serious attacks require more drastic measures.  It is not uncommon to make a trip to the emergency room as the result of an attack. It is important to be able to recognize when an attack is coming on.

Before going into the details of the homeopathic cures, we need a brief understanding of the ailments (Asthma and Bronchitis).

The characteristics and pathology of asthma are:

  • Chronic Inflammation or allergic reaction of the airways in the lungs with a significant obstruction
  • Deficiency of the mucous production
  • Spasm of the bronchi

The major symptoms of asthma are as follows:

  • Wheezing in the chest
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Excessive coughing
  • Sense of heaviness in the chest
  • Aggravation of the problem while walking or climbing stairs, at night time, in a bed, in an environment with high humidity.

What are the causes of asthma attacks?

There is no simple answer to “what causes asthma attacks?” Well, the main cause of asthma is not known. Medical researchers explain that asthma is led by some genetic factors and some environmental contributors. Some of the causes of asthma attacks are listed below:

  • Allergic reactions that a person might have inherited. This is called atopy.
  • Asthma usually attacks people whose parents are also asthmatic.
  • If a person has respiratory or pulmonary inflammation in their childhood.
  • If a person gets in contact with airborne allergens
  • If a person gets exposed to some viral inflammations during their infancy or when their immune system is still under development.

[caption id="attachment_1590" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]causes and triggers Who is most likely to have asthma attacks? Anyone may be a victim of this fatal disease; although, children who usually have lung inflammation or respiratory problems are most likely to suffer from asthma in the future.[/caption]

Symptoms of asthma

Asthma is a very serious condition so everyone should be aware of the symptoms. Often people associate this condition with wheezing, but there are many other asthma symptoms that one must know. If these symptoms are not recognized, asthma is difficult to treat. By learning them, asthma sufferers can find treatment easily.

  • Coughing – When coughing occurs at night, is a sign that you may be suffering from asthma. The cough may or may not be accompanied by phlegm. Often, the coughing becomes worse when you have any type of respiratory virus. This includes the cold and flu among others.
  • Shortness of breath - Many who suffer from asthma report that they feel short of breath and that they cannot get enough air into their lungs. In many cases, activity or exercise can make the symptom more noticeable.
  • Wheezing - This symptom often comes and goes and maybe worse first thing in the morning or at night. The wheezing may go away on its own or bronchodilators may need to be used to open the airways. Wheezing often gets worse with exercise, heartburn, or when breathing in cold air. This symptom usually comes on with no warning. This symptom is frequently seen in children.
  • Chest pain or tightness - This symptom may also appear as pressure in the chest. Some notice that when they are breathing, the skin between the ribs pulls in. Doctors refer to this as intercostal retractions.
  • Inability to take in enough air - This is most commonly seen with the other symptoms as the airway becomes inflamed, tighten, or become mucus-filled. If this symptom is seen without others, it may be a sign of another condition such as panic disorder.

It is important to remember that no two people will have the same symptoms of asthma. Symptoms may change over time and may exhibit differences depending on the trigger. At the end of the day, everyone must be aware of the symptoms and triggers that cause asthma.

Types of asthma

There are many asthma types. It is a serious medical condition that many people are suffering from right now. Listed below are the different types of asthma

Allergic asthma (or bronchial asthma) is one of the most common types of asthma and it may be triggered by allergic rhinitis (or hay fever), different allergens (such as pollen, dust, mold), and also smoke or strong smells.

Cough-Variant asthma is an asthma type in which dry cough is the main symptom, and other symptoms may be excluded. The cough exasperates with common triggers.

Exercise-Induced asthma is triggered by vigorous exercise or strenuous physical activity. Symptoms may be obvious only during exercising, and a few minutes after.

Occupational asthma (or work-related asthma) is caused or triggered by, exposure to various substances in the workplace. These substances may cause an allergic or irritant reaction or a reaction in the body which results in an asthma attack. Types of occupation that may induce asthma include health care workers, hairdressers, chemical industry workers, animal breeders, farmers, painters, and woodworkers.

Nighttime asthma (or nocturnal asthma) patients experience more severe symptoms during night time and before bed, which can result in an inability to fall asleep and other sleep disturbances. This type may be very dangerous and needs to be treated properly.

Seasonal asthma, in which symptoms appear seasonally, usually in the spring (because of the pollen allergies) or summer (due to the heat and air pollution)

Medication-induced asthma is another of the most common types of asthma. Certain medications, such as anti-inflammatories (Motrin, Advil, or Aleve), some heart disease medications, glaucoma drugs, or ACE inhibitors, may cause attacks and worsen asthma.

Asthma vs bronchitis

Symptoms of Bronchitis include:

  • A headache
  • A productive cough with mucus that is white, green, or yellow
  • Shortness of breath
  • Soreness or tightness in the chest

Asthma and bronchitis are respiratory conditions that can cause airway irritation, inflammation, and coughing. Sometimes, people mistake bronchitis for asthma and vice versa.


To differentiate between asthma vs bronchitis, we need to take a look at the symptoms of each, to decide the one a person may have

Sometimes, people who have symptoms that include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath think they have bronchitis when they have asthma.

Asthma causes the airways to become inflamed and narrower than usual. People often find they cannot breathe because asthma narrows the airways.

Natural Treatment for asthma

One of the best solutions for preventing further complications from asthma attacks is to use natural treatments for asthma. Natural asthma treatment has been proven to be effective to control this medical condition at the convenience of your home.

Home remedies

Listed below are different approaches to natural asthma Treatment

Home remedies for asthma attacks - most common natural asthma treatment

Home remedies for asthma attacks are one of the natural remedies for asthma that play an important role in keeping symptoms under control. Home remedies for asthma attacks range from simply identifying triggers to making various lifestyle adjustments.

Listed below are home remedies for an asthma attack

Lifestyle practices

  • Lifestyle practices is a natural remedy for asthma that can help manage asthma attack:
  • Quitting smoking, if you are a smoker
  • Reaching or maintaining a moderate weight
  • Being physically active
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Practicing stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and deep breathing

Yoga for asthma - traditional Indian natural asthma treatment

Yoga for asthma is also an effective home remedy for an asthma attack. Practicing Yoga for asthma regularly can have a significant effect on asthma.

Yoga and breathing exercises

Along with poses, Yoga includes a set of breathing exercises for asthma that generally involves an effort to correct poor posture and learning breathing habits. Many people do not realize that they are not breathing properly. Even though it is considered something that should be second nature, the way a person breathes can weaken their lungs and cause health problems.

Poor posture also prevents air from entering and leaving the lungs as effectively as possible. By learning the correct posture and breathing habits, asthma suffers can significantly increase their comfort level. Yoga for asthma can also help to reduce mucous, which can greatly impede breathing. Some of the more advanced poses can help to loosen up the mucous that may have built up inside the chest and nasal cavity.

Diet for asthma - an essential addition to any form of natural asthma treatment

Diet for asthma is one of the natural remedies for asthma and a home remedy for an asthma attack that can help relieve the symptoms of an asthma attack.

Diet for asthma helps to prevent an unhealthy lifestyle. A healthy, nutritional, no-fat diet will help them stay away from the adverse effects of asthma.

Helpful diet for asthma patients:

  • Onions help in controlling the inflammation of the airways. This is because onions have anti-inflammatory components.
  • Spices like garlic, cumin seeds, long pepper, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom are taken regularly for being healthy.
  • Goat's milk is very useful. Buffalo's and cow's milk should be avoided.
  • Vitamin B supplements like green leafy vegetables and pulses should be taken in large amounts.
  • Vegetables such as spinach, bitter gourd, pumpkin, and green banana and fruits like grapes, raisins, and papaya are preferred.

Herbs for asthma - popular home-based natural asthma treatment

Herbs for asthma

Herbs for asthma are a natural treatment for asthma that helps reduce the symptoms of an asthma attack. Listed below are herbs for asthma

Elecampane Root

  • Elecampane Root is a herb for asthma that has been effective for treating Asthma and other respiratory ailments. You can use Elecampane Root alone or in combination with other herbs like Horehound, Wild Cherry Bark, Comfrey Root, Marshmallow Root, and Comfrey. The simplest way to use this very useful herb is to simply brew it as a tea and inhale the vapor from the tea.

Marshmallow Root

  • An infusion or tea made from Marshmallow Roots that is very good at not only breaking up congestion but also in healing irritations to the lungs that Asthma has been known to cause.

Comfrey Root/Leaves and Lobelia Leaves

  • These two herbs are also pretty well known for easing the congestion and airway constriction that always accompanies an asthma attack.

Acupuncture for asthma - traditional Chinese natural asthma treatment

Acupuncture is a form of ancient Chinese medicine that involves placing small needles into specific points on the body. Long-term benefits of acupuncture for asthma have been proven to be effective against asthma.

Acupuncture for asthma is one of the best natural treatments for asthma that helps to improve airflow and manage symptoms like chest pain.

Essential oils for asthma - effective natural asthma treatment

Essential oils for asthma are Natural asthma Treatments that may also be used in conjunction with medical treatment, to combat the systems associated with this disease. Listed below are essential oils for asthma

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

  • Eucalyptus's strong scent opens up the congested airways of the lung. Eucalyptol, a chemical that breaks up mucous and phlegm, is the active ingredient in this oil that enables asthmatics to breathe easily.

Frankincense Essential Oil

  • Frankincense oil is an expectorant with anti-inflammatory properties. It eliminates congestion from the nasal passageways and lungs.

Oregano Essential Oil

  • Oregano oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This oil is also used to keep away colds and flu. Good use of this oil is to create a mist spray. Add 25 drops of oregano oil to 5 ounces of water, and use as needed to relieve symptoms.

Homeopathic treatment for asthma - #1 natural asthma treatment

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disorder. There are different symptoms as well as cures for these two different disorders. In this article, we shall see the individual symptoms as well as a homeopathic cure for asthma.

Why homeopathy:

Homeopathic Treatment for Asthma Homeopathy is an alternative and holistic method of treatment. Homeopathy attempts to go to the root of the disease and cure the patient instead of relieving and curing the symptoms. In this way, the chance of a relapse of the disease is minimal. A patient can expect a complete cure for an ailment.

There are many medicines in homeopathy for asthma in both acute as well as chronic phases of the disease.

homeopathic remedies for Asthma

The top five medicines for asthma are:

  • Arsenicum Album: The patient feels extreme restlessness and anxiety while suffering from asthma. This individual would find it difficult to sit or sleep in a comfortable position. Arsenic Album aims to rectify this aspect primarily.
  • Ipecacuanha: When episodes of asthma accompanied by nausea and vomiting, Ipecac is one of the best remedies. Homeopaths can find such symptoms in children and adults who are a little overweight and puffy.
  • Antimonium Tartaricum: An individual that is suffering from asthma sometimes experiences a rattling kind of a cough. This patient may often feel a burning sensation in the chest. If these symptoms exist Antimonium Tartaricum is one medicine capable of giving a fast relief.
  • Nux Vomica: Usually Nux patient experiences gastric disturbances accompanying asthma. Nux Vomica is one good medicine to cure these gastric imbalances.
  • Carbo Vegetabilis: When an acute attack of asthma can cause the face to become bluish due to lack of sufficient oxygenated blood. Carbo Vegetabilis is the best homeopathic medicine to cure such types of symptoms.


There are a lot of common symptoms as well as homeopathic remedies for both asthma and bronchitis. Both these ailments require medical supervision and an individualized approach. A patient should always consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking homeopathic medicines. There are different homeopathic medicines for different symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. Also, a well-trained homeopath would administer different medicines for different patients with similar symptoms.

It is very important to choose the best homeopath for your treatment. Homeopathy is not a simple science - it is a kind of art and a medical license for a homeopathic practitioner is only permission for work, but not proof of qualification. When choosing a practitioner for your treatment, make sure that the homeopath you are visiting graduated from a respectful school and had trained by the best instructors.

At Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic you can find answers to all your questions.

Victor Tsan, MD graduated from the most famous school in the world - The Academy of Classical Homeopathy and acquired his knowledge from the most famous homeopath alive George Vitoulcas
