Trauma Acupuncture

Trauma acupuncture is the acupuncture treatment for post-traumatic syndrome as well as for pain control that is required after severe injuries.  Acupuncture has recently attracted a lot of limelight. Many people have been resorting to this alternative treatment to manage their injuries and illnesses. Particularly for treating trauma and injuries from accidents, acupuncture has proven to be very useful. Trauma acupuncture treatment can not only be effective and safe but is also significantly more affordable. Pumping your body with medications can often lead to adverse effects, which can make your injuries and illnesses even more complicated.

Had an accident or an injury at work? You’ll be pleased to know that Workers comp acupuncture is available and becoming increasingly accessible.

trauma acupuncture - Acupuncture for injuries - Workers Comp Acupuncture

What Is Acupuncture?

This Chinese technique has been practiced for thousands of years. It is believed that acupuncture can access the ‘qi’ or energy of your body, which flows through 12 channels called the ‘meridians.’ These meridians represent functions and organs of your body, and you’ll suffer from diseases and illnesses when there is a disruption with the flow.

An acupuncturist places very thin needles in specific points of your body, stimulating and releasing the ‘qi’ and allowing it to flow along these meridians harmoniously and maintaining ideal balance in your body. Not only can current symptoms be alleviated, but acupuncture can also prevent future illnesses.

Western medicine puts forward that acupuncture works by stimulating the nerves that send signals to your brain, allowing neural hormones to be released. If you recently had an accident or suffered injuries, Acupuncture for injuries can prove to be very beneficial.

Depending on your symptoms, it can take multiple sessions to see results. The chances of side effects are also minimal or non-existent in the hands of a qualified practitioner.

Effectiveness of Acupuncture for injuries?

Almost everyone experiences injuries, and it can take time to recover fully. Trauma acupuncture treatment can lessen the swelling and pain from an acute sprain in a matter of minutes, and allow you to heal and recover quickly. Acupuncture also fantastic complementary medicine and we know how beneficial could be acupuncture after car accident. Even for more serious grade 2 and 3 sprains involving real ligament trauma, acupuncture can be beneficial. If you have sprains, it’s necessary that you seek treatment as soon as possible.

Trauma acupuncture has also garnered a huge fan base with sportspersons. Acupuncture is very useful for both acute and chronic problems. If you’ve suffered from trauma while playing sports such as an ankle sprain or an ACL tear, acupuncture can prove to be very beneficial. At times, herbs may also be used as a complementary medicine along with acupuncture. Acupuncturists also use tools to encourage mobility in joints and tissues and increase blood flow. Acupuncture for injuries is an excellent option for recovering quickly.

Even for injuries from car accidents, this alternative technique has shown very promising results. Back and neck pain which is often related to whiplash is the most common injuries related to car accidents. These injuries are often the result of inflamed tissue, and acupuncture after a car accident can lessen this inflammation by increasing circulation, improving blood flow, and releasing endorphins which act like natural painkillers linked with your neuroendocrine system.

Is Trauma Acupuncture Painful?

Since acupuncture utilizes needles, you might shy away from the treatment. However, the needles used during an acupuncture session are so thin that you might not even feel them penetrating your skin. People usually report experiencing a tingling sensation which only suggests that the specific acupuncture point is working. While some others may experience a sensation of heaviness at the insertion point. Trauma acupuncture treatment is pain-free and results can often be outstanding. In some patients, particularly with chronic conditions, acupuncture can offer results even when conventional approaches fail.

Does Trauma Acupuncture Risky?

As with all treatments and therapies, acupuncture for injuries also possesses certain risks such as:

  • If inserted very deeply into your upper back or chest, there is a possibility of a collapsed lung. However, this is extremely rare.
  • In very rare situations, a needle can break off and traumatize an internal organ
  • Unsterilized needles can cause infections
  • Soreness, bleeding, and bruising can occur at insertion points
  • If you’re taking blood thinners or has a bleeding disorder, acupuncture is not an ideal option

Risks or adverse effects from acupuncture are extremely rare and are significantly safer, especially in comparison to conventional treatments and medicines. Predominantly, risks occur if the acupuncturists are careless or ill-trained. It’s critical that you seek a qualified and experienced acupuncturist for your treatment.

Does Insurance Cover Workers Comp Acupuncture and/or Acupuncture After Car Accident?

Yes, many insurance companies offer coverage for acupuncture after car accident as well as for acupuncture workers comp. They also cover many related services provided by an acupuncturist. To find out if your insurance company covers acupuncture during recovering from a car accident, you can simply call your insurance provider's benefits line or patient information. You can find this number on your insurance card.

If your insurance does cover acupuncture after car accident you must ask certain questions such as how many sessions are covered, what conditions are covered for acupuncture, what your deductible will be, etc. You can also look for an insurance company that covers acupuncture.

Does Workers Comp Acupuncture is Covered by Insurance?

If you’re injured or get sick while working, your worker’s compensation insurance will cover up the medical expenses. Acupuncture workers comp is increasingly becoming mainstream and can be covered if it’s deemed necessary for your trauma. Especially if you require pain relief treatment or have allergies to medications, there’s a huge possibility that workers comp can be provided for acupuncture.

However, every state maintains different guidelines and regulations for approving medical expenses associated with your worker’s compensation claims in general, and workers comp acupuncture in particular. If you want to try Acupuncture for trauma, make sure that you consult your employer's recommended doctor about your concerns.

Trauma Acupuncture Conclusion

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that can provide you with tremendous relief safely and delicately. If you’ve currently suffered from an injury at work, or a car accident, Trauma acupuncture treatment can be an effective and viable option. Generally, it is also covered by insurance and workers comp so you can talk to your providers about your acupuncture requirements. If you’re not seeing results from conventional methods or is allergic to certain medications and pain relievers, alternative methods like trauma acupuncture can provide fantastic results.

For more information and to book an appointment for Acupuncture for injuries treatment contact us 267-314-7575 or use our online scheduling application
