Homeopathy for ADHD


Treatment for ADHD is always a challenge and first of all, it’s because the mechanism of ADHD is not completely revealed. In conventional treatment, the use of Ritalin and other related drugs as a form of treatment for ADHD ends up suppressing the symptoms of ADHD, and in the long run, they lose their natural and healthy traits embedded in their hyperactivity.

For example, Ritalin is a chemical drug that has side effects such as stomach aches, headaches, and drowsiness and also affects sight. It requires being taken every four hours, and it can make the patient more aggressive when its effects begin to wear off. When tested on animals by the Food and Drug Administration, it was found to cause liver cancer making this option advisable for treatment.

What causes ADHD?

There is a level of uncertainty to the definite ADHD causes though they seem to have their origin from neurobiology and the genetic make-up. Some theories link causes of ADHD origin to a hereditary transfer in an offspring as this is common with hyperactive father or mother having a child with this disorder.

causes of adhd

Also, we cannot rule out external influence in the complexity of this disorder as the environment can also aid and worsen the condition but not the genesis of the condition. Some foods and drinks are susceptible to make certain individuals extra active because they act as stimulants. Avoidance of such consumables has shown a level of improvement in some people proving the fact that they can be relatively responsible for hyperactivity.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD

The basic and easy noticeable signs of ADHD are hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity and they show early in a child as it affects their progress and performance in school, at home and how they relate socially with others. The signs of ADHD vary and can be mistaken for something else, and this makes diagnosis a bit difficult.

On a professional level, there are three types of ADHD, and they include predominantly Hyperactive-impulsive type, predominantly inattentive type, and the combined type which is the combination of the two other types.

.symptoms of ADHD

ADHD diagnosis

The ADHD diagnosis can be tricky so, a bid to accurately diagnose it requires the study of symptoms as acted in the form of behaviors and ascertain if such conduct is suitable for the individual’s age. There are professional guidelines that are used to verify if the patient really has symptoms of ADHD. Age is an important factor to consider as symptoms must show before age 7. Also, the symptoms must affect at least two performances at school, out of home, or in interactions socially. An overactive child that is not negatively affected in at least two of these areas may not be diagnosed with ADHD.

Homeopathy for ADHD – #1 natural treatment for ADHD

Homeopathy for ADHD recognized as one of the most effective and definitely safest methods of therapy for this condition. Cases of hyperactive children have been on the explosive increase in recent times. This Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) condition is early noticed in children in their first six years as they show uncontrolled hyperactivity and find it hard to concentrate many times. This becomes apparent in their school performance.

Homeopathy for ADHD

Homeopathy for ADHD seeks to maintain this natural side of the patient treating on the extreme side, and by so doing, the patient remains smart and energetic free of extreme negative behaviors. At the end of the treatment, a child can still grow normally to fulfill his or her potential, not hampered by the side effect of any drug used in treating ADHD.

ADHD continues into adulthood with about 60% of the affected children leading to more difficult challenges such as poor retentive ability, the inability for following directions, poor concentration, and a disorganized lifestyle among many others.

Homeopathy for ADHD is an effective approach to heal and cure different psychological disorders and mental illness. Homeopathy for ADHD not only treats the ADHD but it covers all medical conditions of the patient. It takes into consideration some factors such as the medical history of the patient and that of the parent, basic information about pregnancy and vaccination couple with other inquiries in a bid to determine the cause and to determine the appropriate treatment to administer. This makes each patient unique, and also the treatment to be administered. This is contrary to what is obtained while administering conventional treatment which is general to a certain extent. Homeopathy for ADHD seeks to treat each patient as a unique individual treated with a tailor-made remedy.

Also, it is essential to put in place the right diet and family environment for the proper development of the child. The psychological support needed for the child goes a long way to maintaining a balance a healthy behavioral development.

Homeopathic remedies for ADHD

Homeopathy for ADHD represented by a set of homeopathic medications used for the treatment of this condition.

Tarentula, Tuberculinum, Natrum Sulphuricum, Nux Moschata, Opium, Phosphorus, Platina, Scorpion, Stramonium, Sulphur, Calcarea Carbonica, Cannabis Indica, Capsicum, Carcinocin, Chamomilla, Cina, Cornus, Ferrum Metallicum, Gallic Acid, Helleborus, Anacardium, Veratrum Album, Argentum Nitricum, Aurum Metallicum, Baryta Carbonica, Baryta Iodata, Bismuth, Bufo, Calcarea Bromatum, Aranea, Hyoscyamus, Kali Bromatum, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Lyssin, Mancinella, Medorrhinum, Natrum Muriaticum.

Homeopathy for ADHD remains a preferred alternative in the clinic of behavioral disorders in children and grownups making an individual a better person.

Natural Treatment for ADHD in Philadelphia, PA

At the Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic, Doctor Tsan has extensive experience in Homeopathy for ADHD for children and adults.

Use our secure online system or contact us at (267) 403-3085 to schedule an appointment for Homeopathic Consultation. You will meet Victor Tsan, MD and he will take care of your problem.

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