Natural Treatment for Incontinence – Bedwetting, and Enuresis

Treatment for incontinence is always a challenge because of the poly-morphology of incontinence. Depending on a patient’s age it could be in the form of involuntary urination, enuresis nocturnal, bedwetting, etc. The natural treatment for incontinence depends on the form of incontinence, the patient’s age, associated medical conditions, and more.  Bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis, is the involuntary passage of urine during sleep at an age where one usually should have control of the bladder, many say by the age of 5 or 7.

Treatment for Incontinence


Bedwetting – enuresis is a condition where kids commonly between the ages of 5 to 6, even if they are potty trained, wet their bed still regardless of where they are. Wetting the bed, however, has been defined by psychologists of the widely known American Medical Association as a disease wherein the child affected repeatedly urinate his or her bed at least twice a week for 3 consecutive months in a child who is at least 5 years of age and has no abnormal medical condition and is not taking any medication. Furthermore, they say that the disease probably affects a child until 5 years of age on average.

Enuresis - Cases by Age

Bedwetting – enuresis among teenagers may also be common though there may only be a small percentage of young people who are not able to overcome this issue as they should have while they were still small kids. However, teenagers should not feel so bad about themselves because there might be some medical problems that are causing this aside from their bladders not being able to mature or develop as it should while they are growing up. This problem affects teenagers from around the world though most of the time they may feel isolated because of the thought that they are alone suffering from such a situation.

Bedwetting – enuresis falls into two categories, primary and secondary.

Primary enuresis

This is caused by conditions that are directly related to the condition. Examples of primary enuresis include a genetic connection. If a parent suffered from this condition it is highly likely one or more offspring will as well. Currently, there is no scientific explanation of why this occurs but it almost always does.

ADH is an anti-diuretic hormone which is produced to control the flow of urine while we sleep. The urine becomes “condensed” and takes up less space in the bladder at night time. If a person does not produce sufficient ADH to handle the task they are likely to have a leakage sometime during the night.

Types of enuresis

If the bladder doesn’t develop fully or if it is smaller than “normal” then it has less capacity. Having less capacity means that it will fill during the night even if the levels of ADH are normal. An overfull bladder will result in an involuntary flow of urine.

Secondary enuresis

This is a condition that is caused by a side effect of other diseases and conditions.  Any condition that affects the nervous system like stroke or spinal cord injury can result in enuresis simply because the person can’t “feel” the need to go. Without knowing that their bladder is full the person certainly cannot control the leakage.

Other conditions that can result in bed wetting include diabetes, urinary tract infection, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, and urinary tract stones.

Urinary Incontinence - Bedwetting

Unfortunately, adults with this condition carry a stigma and they are reluctant to speak about it or seek help. At the end of this article, we will give a detailed explanation of a natural treatment for incontinence or bedwetting that is effective with no side effects.

Treatment for Enuresis

Bedwetting or enuresis is often a natural part of the development, and most young kids gain bladder control over time without any treatment. Nocturnal enuresis that continues past the age that most kids have bladder control will need treatment. There are numerous options of treatment for Enuresis that have been extensively studied over many years and which are very effective and well-tolerated. Listed below are the treatment for bedwetting

Self-Help Techniques

Several self-help techniques are available which may help prevent or at least reduce frequent episodes of bedwetting. This treatment for bed wetting includes reminding your child to urinate before going to bed and encouraging him or her to limit liquid intake in the last two hours before bedtime. These techniques can help your child to achieve dry nights. Using cloth underwear and reusable waterproof bedding helps prevent a child from the guilt and shame of wetting the bed.

Herbs for incontinence

Motivational Therapy

Motivational therapy involving encouragement and praise for dry nights can have profound positive effects on the self-esteem and self-image of a child. This Treatment for Enuresis includes reward schemes such as “token and reward system” which are very helpful in managing bedwetting.

Prescription Medications

No medication cures bedwetting. They only treat the symptoms. Once the medication is stopped, bedwetting returns. Bedwetting medications are available by prescription and parents should consult with a physician on the side effects of this treatment for incontinence options. Below are medications for bedwetting

  • Desmopressin acetate (DDAVP) is a synthetic hormone that is effective in reducing the overnight production of urine. Desmopressin should be given at bedtime and a child should not be allowed to drink too much fluid before going to bed.
  • Imipramine is another medication that has been used successfully for many years to treat bedwetting children. This drug is thought to work by relaxing the muscles of the bladder, thus increasing its capacity and reducing the urge to urinate.
  • Anticholinergics drugs such as hyoscyamine and oxybutynin help reduce bladder contractions, affecting the time a child can hold urine in the bladder. It is used in combination with desmopressin for treating bedwetting in children with reduced functional bladder capacity.

Other Treatments for enuresis

Other treatments for bedwetting include homeopathy, diet therapy, and acupuncture. These are natural remedies for enuresis that have been proven to be effective in managing bedwetting with no side effects.

Natural remedies for bedwetting

Below are natural remedies for bedwetting that has been proven to be effective with no side effects.

Acupuncture for bedwetting – effective oriental natural treatment for incontinence

A new study shows that acupuncture for bedwetting is an effective treatment. Nocturnal enuresis is involuntary urination during sleep and is most typical among children. Most children overcome this disorder by age seven but clinical conditions may persist indefinitely in some patients if left untreated.

Acupuncture for bedwetting

In a surprising finding, acupuncture for bedwetting is a natural remedy for bedwetting that was shown to be more effective than bedwetting alarms. Bedwetting alarms, a standard in conventional medicine, detect moisture and wake the patient with an audible tone.

Homeopathic remedies for bedwetting – #1 natural treatment for incontinence

The use of homeopathic remedies for bedwetting is a natural and gentle system of medicines that utilizes small doses of well-researched remedies to enhance the body’s natural healing process.

Homeopathic remedies for bedwetting are the most efficient natural remedy for bedwetting that provides a gentle approach to treating bedwetting. Homeopathic remedy for enuresis does not treat just the disease but is prescribed based on the physical, emotional, and genetic makeup of an individual.

Homeopathic Remedies for urinary incontinence in kids

Here is a list of Homeopathic remedies for bedwetting to consider:


  • This homeopathic remedy for bedwetting is indicated for children who have frequent and profuse urination after midnight approaching the morning hours. A good remedy choice if the bedwetting is due to a bladder infection.


  • This homeopathic remedy for enuresis is indicated when the child urinates while dreaming of urination.

Argentum Nitricum:

  • This homeopathic remedy for bedwetting is used when the child urinates due to restlessness, nervousness, or anticipation of an event.


  • One of the homeopathic natural remedies for bed wetting indicated for the child that loves sweets and spices and who wets the bed in the early half of the night (before midnight). It can also be used on the child that sleeps with his/her feet sticking out of the covers and experiences vivid dreams.


  • This homeopathic remedy for incontinence can be used to treat bedwetting and kidney problems. It is often recommended in female children if they wet the bed during the first half of the night and love to be active and dance.

In addition to homeopathic remedies for bedwetting, you should also feed your child a healthy diet rich in nuts and fruits, especially walnuts and cranberries. Let your child eat at least 2 bananas a day and avoid sugary carbonated drinks. If you have a teenage child, they should avoid caffeine and alcohol as it can make the condition worse. Do not restrict water! Let your child drink as much water as they need. However, it should try not to drink an hour before bed and use the toilet just before bed.

Urinary incontinence

Incontinence is the loss of bladder control that is a common and often embarrassing problem. The severity ranges from the occasional urine leak when coughing or sneezing to the urge to urinate so suddenly and strongly that you don’t go to the bathroom in time.

Urinary Incontinence in Adults - Bed Wetting

Although it is more common with age, urinary incontinence is not an inevitable consequence of aging. If urinary incontinence interferes with your daily activities simple lifestyle changes or medical treatment can relieve symptoms or stop urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is not a disease, it is a symptom. It can be caused by daily habits, underlying medical conditions, or physical problems. A thorough evaluation by your doctor can help you determine what’s behind your incontinence.

Natural treatment for incontinence

Incontinence and other bladder problems don’t necessarily have to be treated with medications and there is no unique treatment strategy for incontinence. However, natural treatment for incontinence is effective with no side effects.

Urinary incontinence home remedies

Listed below is a natural treatment for incontinence

Home remedies for incontinence – most popular natural treatment for incontinence


For many people with urinary incontinence, the following home remedies for incontinence are sufficient to relieve symptoms.

Do pelvic floor exercises daily

  • Pelvic floor exercises are one of the home remedies for incontinence that can be effective at reducing leakage, but it’s essential to do them correctly. You may need to do pelvic floor exercises for 3 months before seeing benefits.

Stop smoking

  • If you smoke, you are at risk of incontinence because coughing puts a strain on your pelvic floor muscles. Find out how to quit smoking.

Reduce your caffeine intake

  • Caffeine irritates the bladder and can make incontinence worse. Coffee has the greatest impact. So stop drinking it or switch to decaffeinated coffee.

Reduce your alcohol consumption

  • Alcohol is a diuretic that makes you urinate more often. The reduction can help symptoms of incontinence.

Drink plenty of water

  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluids a day (but no more) unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Many people with urinary incontinence avoid drinking fluids because they think it causes more problems. However, limiting your fluid intake makes incontinence worse because it reduces the capacity of your bladder. Not drinking enough fluids can also cause or worsen constipation.

Eat the right foods

  • Avoid spicy and acidic foods like curries and citrus fruits as these can irritate the bladder and make leakage and other incontinence symptoms worse. Eating right is one of the most effective natural remedies for incontinence

Acupuncture for incontinence – old Chinese natural treatment for incontinence.

Acupuncture is one of the natural remedies for bedwetting that is found useful for the treatment of urinary incontinence. Several controlled investigations find acupuncture for incontinence is safe and effective for reducing the amount of urine leakage and frequency of uncontrolled urine leakage. The investigations reveal that acupuncture for incontinence outperforms medications and enhances the effectiveness of Kegel exercises and herbal medicines.

Homeopathic remedies for incontinence – most effective natural treatment for incontinence

Homeopathy for incontinence is a natural remedy for incontinence that is very effective in treating urine incontinence. They strengthen the detrusor muscles of the urinary bladder. Involuntary urination occurs mostly when the bladder muscles become weak. Conventional treatments include painful surgical procedures, with chances of recurrence. Homeopathy, on the other hand, takes the non-invasive approach and uses natural medicines to heal the condition. Listed below ate homeopathic remedies for incontinence


  • This homeopathic remedy for incontinence is useful when involuntary urination is worse in winter and better in summer. Various fears and apprehensions accompany urination, especially the fear that something bad will happen to you. You are afraid to go to bed in the dark. These people also tend to get their pants wet when they cough, sneeze, or even laugh.


  • Equisetum is homeopathy for incontinence for people who have no known reason other than the habit of wetting their pants or bed. It should be considered if the person has no other obvious symptoms. It should also be given if the person has crazy dreams or nightmares about bedwetting. You tend to dream of crowds.

Kreosotum (beech wood)

  • This medicine is useful when the person suddenly has an urge to urinate that does not have enough time to get out of bed to the bathroom. This remedy should be considered. These people tend to get their beds wet during the first part of the night. Sometimes they dream about urinating.

Lycopodium (club moss)

  • This homeopathic remedy for incontinence is valuable to people who are so concerned that they are continually worried about what others think of them to need this remedy. They’re usually afraid to try something new. They are more likely to wet the bed when sleeping in a hot or stuffy room. They prefer to sleep with the window open.


Natural treatment for incontinence is effective and safe. The treatment approach will be different depending on the form of incontinence. Because many different medical conditions can cause incontinence and/or bedwetting contact a medical doctor and ask if naturopathic treatment is a good choice for you.

For holistic evaluation and treatment for enuresis or bedwetting contact Philadelphia Holistic Clinic (267) 284-3085 and schedule your appointment with Dr. Tsan
