Conditions treated by acupuncture

Conditions treated by acupuncture will be listed and described in the article below. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must have heard of acupuncture. This ancient Chinese technique has garnered a lot of attention lately. Just a quick search on the internet and you’ll find lots of people who swear by it. Some people use it as a last resort when all other mechanisms fail and experience a miraculous change with their diseases and conditions. And the number of Conditions treated by acupuncture is no small feat.

Conditions Treated by Acupuncture
Acute and chronic pain control. Posttraumatic and postoperative ileus. Muscle spasms, tremors, tics, contractures. Paresthesia. Anxiety, fright, panic. Addiction/Drug detoxification. Neuralgias (trigeminal, Herpes Zoster, postherpetic, other) Seventh nerve palsy Sequelae of CVA s (aphasia, hemiplegia) Certain functional gastrointestinal disorders (nausea and vomiting, esophageal spasm, hyperacidity, irritable bowel, etc.) Headache, vertigo (Meniere s), tinnitus. Phantom pain. Frozen shoulder. Cervical and lumbar spine syndromes. Plantar fasciitis. Arthritis/arthrosis. Bursitis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) US, in 1997, publicized and documented acupuncture’s effectiveness and safety for a myriad of conditions treated with acupuncture. If you’re not witnessing any results from conventional methods or simply want a safer alternative, you might want to give acupuncture a try.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture stimulates certain anatomic sites, called acupuncture points, to promote self-healing and improve your body functions. Generally, a very thin sterile needle is inserted into your skin during an acupuncture session. At times, heat, pressure, and electrical stimulation may be utilized to amplify the positive effects.

Scientific research has shown that acupuncture affects the digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and nervous systems. During an acupuncture session, various body systems are stimulated, which can help reduce pain, encourage digestion, improve sleep, and lead to overall well-being. It is widely hailed for its effectiveness in reducing pain from various conditions and also for chronic pain. Conditions treated by acupuncture also has fewer chances of arising again.

The clinical indications for acupuncture are very broad and cover numerous neurological dysfunctions, addictions, mood disorders, urological problems, and even internal medicine conditions. However, the best-known acupuncture indications are pain management and chronic pain.

In addition, acupuncture can also be combined with other conventional or alternative methods such as homeopathy, cupping, moxibustion, and herbal remedies to increase the benefits for Conditions treated by acupuncture.

Which conditions treated with acupuncture?

Conditions treated by acupuncture are various and can be acute as well as chronic. Results vary from person to person, and it's predominantly a safe procedure. However, generally, multiple sessions might be required before you see results.

Here are some conditions that acupuncture can be a suitable option for:

Depression – one of the most common conditions treated with acupuncture

Studies have shown that acupuncture can be very effective for mitigating depression symptoms and even treating the underlying problem. A study published in 2013 shows that electroacupuncture, a form of acupuncture in which electric current is transferred via needles, displayed similar effects to Prozac in lessening depression symptoms.

Another significant study showed that acupuncture could also help with sexual dysfunction, which is one of the most common ill-effects of antidepressants. Improvements were noticed after just 12 weeks of treatment.

Diabetes topping the list of conditions treated by acupuncture

By improving blood sugar levels, lessening neuropathy symptoms, a diabetes complication, acupuncture can prove to be very beneficial for diabetes patients. In the US alone, 9.4% of the population are living with diabetes. Scientists have found that acupuncture can be helpful for:

  1. Maintaining optimal hormonal balance that affects diabetes
  2. Improving insulin resistance
  3. Protect pancreas islet function
  4. Aid in weight loss
  5. Enhance blood glucose management

Acupuncture for Insomnia highly demanded, effective and safe

Insomnia is one of the conditions treated by acupuncture that can display significant improvements. Acupuncture is very useful in lowering anxiety levels, inducing sleep onset, stimulating melatonin production, and can also reduce arousal and sleep disruption during the night.

These effects can lead to an overall increase in sleep time as well as the quality of sleep. Research also shows that acupuncture is very effective in combating chronic pain, which is a significant contributor to sleeplessness.

Headaches – #1 on the list of conditions treated with acupuncture

Everyone suffers from headaches, and it is one of the most common conditions treated by acupuncture. This ancient Chinese technique can effectively reduce the frequency of headaches as well as migraines. It is also well-tolerated and has minimal or no side-effects. Especially for people that see no improvements through conventional intervention or medications, acupuncture can be an effective remedy.

During an acupuncture session, the needles can stimulate your nerves and release endorphins, which trigger a response from your body. Acupuncture believes that this stimulation relieves migraines and headaches.

Low Back Pain – Acupuncture for back pain is the most popular safe and effective treatment

Out of 10 people, nearly 8 experience back pain at some point in their life. Among Conditions treated by acupuncture, back pain is no.1 reason people resort to this alternative technique.

Acupuncture for back pain can stimulate the nervous system, which is very beneficial for low back pain sufferers. This stimulation can release hormones into your brain, spinal cord, and muscles, which can reduce pain and boost your health and wellness.

Other than these Conditions treated by acupuncture, numerous other conditions treated with acupuncture successfully, such as arthritis, menstrual pain, dental pain, respiratory disorders, among many others. Additionally, acupuncture can also be combined with other remedies and alternative treatments to increase its effectiveness.

How to Find the Best Acupuncturist Near Me?

You’ve probably googled for the best acupuncture near me trying to book a session for acupuncture treatment. However, with the popularity of acupuncture, many ill-trained acupuncture clinics have popped up, making it difficult to find a reliable and qualified acupuncturist. There are some precautions you must take.

Surf the net and try to find info on the acupuncturist you’re thinking of going to. Make sure they have a good website and read the reviews as well. If they don’t have a website, you should look somewhere else.

Ask for accreditation and the acupuncturist’s qualifications as well. You can also get in touch with previous clients and hear their testimonies regarding the session. Book a consultation and ask as many questions as possible. If you feel uneasy or unimpressed with the consultation, you can search for another clinic.

Make sure that your acupuncturists are well-versed with the technique. Side effects predominantly occur when the practitioners are ill-prepared.

Conclusion: Conditions Treated by Acupuncture represent a wide variety of different body systems ailments.

Acupuncture is ideal for numerous illnesses and conditions. The list of medical conditions treated with acupuncture is virtually endless. The main advantage is that there are very few or no side effects and is also significantly more affordable. If you do not see results from conventional methods, you might want to give acupuncture a try. Results vary, and usually, it’ll take a few sessions before you see positive changes. However, make sure that you refer to a qualified and experienced acupuncturist.

Best Acupuncture Near Me

If you are living in Philadelphia PA or the nearest suburbs and looking for acupuncture treatment you probably want the best specialists because in acupuncture official license is not that important as education, experience, and school graduation. Unfortunately, modern acupuncture is not as effective as classical. It is because an acupuncturist who doesn’t understand the philosophy of five elements and Yin-Yang energies can’t create the right protocol for treatment. Don’t trust an acupuncturist who asks you about your diagnosis and complains and jumps to the treatment. It takes a lot to understand a patient’s condition and apply the treatment, not the area that manifests symptoms, but to the whole body, considering your organism as a single system. If you hear that an acupuncturist specializes in the treatment of eye diseases or ENT that means this provider is not properly trained. We do not treat the left hand of the right foot. We treat the whole body.

That’s why you probably want to see the best acupuncturist. In order to find one enter into the google search box, “best acupuncture near me” or “best acupuncturist near me” and the search engine will display for you the best acupuncture in your area based on public reviews.  

Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic is known as the #1 acupuncture facility in the Philadelphia metro area.  Not only we serve Philadelphians, but also people from other states and countries.

The Medical Director of the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic Victor Tsan MD chooses the best acupuncturists in the area to work at the clinic. We have an “All-Stars Team” – Dr. Tsan said. Each of our providers has long-termed academic and clinical experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, and Chinese Medicinal Herbs. All acupuncturists were not only interviewed but also tested by Dr. Tsan and proved their professionalism. “We do not settle for less” – Dr. Tsan continued – “We are THE BEST.”
