Acupuncture in Philadelphia is very popular and highly demanded. More than 20 acupuncture offices providing services around the City of Brotherly Love. Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic is the holistic medical center situated in the central region of the North-East part of Philadelphia near large shopping plazas and close to public transportation. Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic is rapidly becoming the best prominent integrative medicine organization in the city. Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, cupping therapy, reiki, homeopathy, and hypnotherapy in this clinic provided by the best specialists, selected by the medical director of the clinic, medical doctor Victor Tsan. These certified medical providers work at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic and serving patients with the most natural and effective healing techniques.
For almost four thousand years acupuncture has been recognized as one of the most effective natural treatments for a wide range of medical problems. Besides its curing effect, acupuncture brings health and longevity in every patient. Using its special ability to balance internal body energy (Qi) acupuncture saved a life for billions of individuals around the world and today most experienced and nationally recognized acupuncturists work together under the roof of Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic to bring their professional services to thousands of Philadelphians.
Traditional Chinese Medicine developed a philosophy of 5 elements and energy balancing which is the principal specialty here at the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic. Just google for Chinese Acupuncture Near Me or Best Acupuncturist Near Me and find providers in your area; however, at the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic, Dr. Tsan combines authentic Chinese Acupuncture with the natural power of homeopathy and emotional programming of hypnotherapy for best results and maximum effectiveness. That’s what makes our clinic different. We are a Holistic Clinic and we chose which method is best for each particular patient. And because all these holistic techniques reside under one roof at the clinic once you come here you’ll receive the best-personalized care.
Why Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic is the best facility for Acupuncture in Philadelphia
We are proud that thousands of our patients testified positive results of treatment and recommended our services on Google Maps, RateMDs, OpenCare, and YellowPages. Most of our patients referred to us by their friends and family members who already had been treated at the clinic. While a big percent of the people are doubtful of acupuncture effectiveness this method becomes more and more popular amongst patients and physicians. Some people are fearful of needles and believe that the needles may result in pain. However, these individuals who appeared to be “heroic” enough to try this method end up acquiring the rewards in the form of great health and happy life.
The people who searched for Acupuncture Near me settled at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic and after the very first procedure report that acupuncture is absolutely painless and that after every single acupuncture treatment they feel relaxation and rejuvenation of the whole body along with the diminishing of major symptoms of their diseases. The acupuncture reinstates harmony on the corporeal and mental aspects, letting people be physically active and emotionally stable.
My name is Victor Tsan, I’m a Medical Director of the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic and I want to convey to those who are terrified by the method that assumes inserting needles in a skin, “Don’t be fearful; the acupuncture is not painful at all; all it does – it brings you back to better and contented life”. The Chinese and Japanese needles that we use at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic are about as thin as human hair and the technique we use to insert these needles into the human body guarantees painless procedures even for people with the high sensitivity of the skin. In exchange, acupuncture improves patients’ health conditions tremendously and fast.
Best Acupuncture Near Me – Most Advanced Acupuncture Facility in Philadelphia
The team of acupuncturists at the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic represents three major different schools of this ancient healing method – Traditional Chinese Medicine, Korean Acupuncture, and Modern Acupuncture. All three developed based on the same oriental philosophy of human anatomy and physiology and use generally the same diagnostic approaches. The difference is in the invention of electrical, laser, magnetic, and other stimulations by the Modern school contrary to the use of needles made of gold and silver in Traditional school. However, at our Clinic, all these techniques used depending on patients’ condition and treatment requirements.
Acupuncture Clinic Near Me – Acupuncture in Philadelphia
Sometimes we are receiving calls from people who ask if we provide Cold Laser treatment, Ear Acupuncture, Moxibustion, etc. The answer is always YES because at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic you will receive the best PhiladelphiaAcupuncture Clinic Service and everything that is known and available in acupuncture available for our patients. We never charge any additional fee for more complicated procedures, for gold needles, for lasers. This is not a luxury treatment; this is just a treatment that the patient’s condition requires and our patients receive all treatment options for the same price. We don’t charge based on the number of needles inserted or based on the time the procedure takes. For some diseases, the length of the procedure could be five minutes and for some hour and a half and it does not increase the professional fees we charge.
One more very important policy at the Clinic: If by any chance our patient is not satisfied with the first procedure and wants to terminate this treatment, he has to inform us immediately after the session and we will not charge for the service provided. We want to make sure that ALL patients at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic are completely satisfied with our services. No payments upfront, no hassles, no overcharges. We are here to treat and to make our patients healthy and happy. That’s why our clinic recognized as the best Philadelphia Acupuncture facility. Read about Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic on or on google. Invest in your health. Don’t settle for less and choose the best acupuncture treatment in Philadelphia.
To schedule your appointment for evaluation and treatment contact our clinic at 267-314-7575.