Homeopathic Treatment for Hot Flashes and Other Menopausal Symptoms


Natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones are very effective and safe. Many women prefer Natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones to traditional Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life cycle; however, hot flashes can be very discomforting to deal with. Menopause and hot flashes are not dangerous or a symptom of an illness. Many women are uncomfortable with allopathic and conventional treatments due to the chances of side effects. If you’re one of them, there are various natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones that can provide great results without inducing your body to any harmful chemicals.

Hot Flashes - natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones

They are not just safe but are backed by science for their effectiveness. They are also significantly cheaper, and you can try them from the comfort of your home. 

Hot Flashes – Menopausal Symptoms

Hot flashes are the spontaneous sensation of warmth in your upper body and are generally intense on your chest, neck, and face. During a hot flash, your skin can also redden, and you can also experience sweating. If you lose excess body heat, it can also be accompanied by a chilled sensation afterward. Hot flashes that occur at night are known as night sweats, and they can disturb your sleep. 

Hot flashes are predominantly associated with menopause and are a very common symptom. However, other conditions can also lead to menopause. If you’re suffering from hot flashes, there are various natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones that can provide significant relief without having to pump your body full of drugs.

Hot Flashes and Accompanying Symptoms

If you’re having a hot flash, you can also experience the following symptoms:

  • Feelings of anxiety
  • A chilled sensation
  • Perspiration which is most evident on your upper body
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • A flushed appearance
  • Skin can also appear red and botchy
  • A warm feeling that suddenly spreads through your face, neck, and chest.

Manopause - Hot Flashes and Accompanying Symptoms

The severity of hot flash symptoms can vary from one woman to another. For some, it can be so mild requiring no intervention, whereas, for others, it can be so intense that they disturb routine activities. They can take place at any time of the day, and how often they occur vary among women. Most women experience them on a daily basis. Generally, hot flash symptoms can last up to seven years, and some women can experience them for more than ten years. To manage your symptoms, you can benefit through Natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones. Many women also see drastic results through homeopathic remedies for hot flashes and herbal remedies for hot flashes.

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes in Menopause

These natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones can provide a gentle, safe, and effective method of reducing the severity of hot flash symptoms. However, you’ll have to experiment with a few before seeing results.

Sage Tea – tops the list of home natural remedies for hot flashes in menopause.

Sipping on sage tea has numerous benefits, and this applies to hot flashes as well. A study conducted in 2010 demonstrated that postmenopausal women who consumed one sage tablet per day experienced a 64% reduction in the number of hot flashes per day. You can experience similar results by brewing your own sage tea. For this natural treatment, add a teaspoon of dried sage or a tablespoon of fresh sage leaves to a cup of hot water and let it steep for about 5 minutes and then drain it out. Having a few cups throughout the day can help you with your symptoms.

Apple Cider Vinegar – one of the most popular natural remedies for hot flashes in menopause.

Apple cider vinegar is potent with anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for dealing with hot flash symptoms. Research shows that it can reduce the intensity of hot flashes. If you want to try this natural remedy, you can mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consume it 1-2 times per day.

Vitamins – essential natural remedies for hot flashes in menopause

Studies show that vitamins B, C, and E can reduce the severity of hot flashes. Vitamin C and E are very rich in anti-oxidant properties, which can be advantageous for minimizing the intensity of hot flashes. Similarly, Vitamin B9 can also minimize the duration and severity of hot flashes. For this remedy, you can take supplements, or you can also derive these vitamins through some food items such as nuts, soy, leafy vegetables, and citrus fruits. However, if you’re going to take supplements, make sure that you consult your doctor first about the right dosage. 

Peppermint Oil – scientifically approved home natural remedy for hot flashes in menopause

If you’re looking for natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones, you can incorporate essential oils into your regime. Peppermint oil, in particular, has been shown to be very effective in treating menopause.  Peppermint possesses menthol, which has very powerful calming properties that can help you relax as well as reduce anxiety and stress. These calming and soothing properties can help reduce the intensity of hot flashes. If you want to try this natural remedy, you can add a few drops of this oil to your diffuser and inhale its aroma.

Homeopathy – #1 natural remedy for hot flashes without hormones.

Other than these natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones, there are various homeopathic remedies for hot flashes that can provide the same results as allopathic or conventional treatments without any side effects. It’s a holistic treatment and doesn’t just concentrate on your symptoms but your whole self. This allows homeopathy to get to the root of the problem and find long term remedy. Homeopathic Natural remedies for menopause hot flashes can not only treat your current symptoms but also prevent future discomfort.

There are various homeopathic remedies for hot flashes such as Amylium Nitrosum, Sanguinaria Canadensis, Glonoinum, Belladonna, Sepia Officinalis, Sulphur, and Lachesis Mutus. The potency of the Homeopathic remedy for hot flashes can also be personalized for your specific condition providing you with long term results. 

Homeopathy has no known side effects and doesn’t use any harmful chemicals. In fact, homeopathic remedies focus on boosting your body’s natural healing process and building your immune system to prevent future problems. Homeopathy can also be used with other natural and even allopathic treatments to increase the chances of positive results.

For a very long time, homeopathic medicines have been applied in treating individuals with hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. There have also been noticeable improvements in the health of the patients, leading to the conclusion that it is helpful in healing them.

This is due to the fact that homeopathy medicines are prescribed based on the symptoms of the person and not based on the medical condition. It is thus believed that homeopathic medicines are more effective compared to other types of medicines. If you are experiencing hot flashes or other menopausal symptoms, homeopathic treatments have the ability to heal you from the ailment.

What is the homeopathic treatment?

Homeopathic treatment was invented by Samuel Hahnemann in the year 1796. It was founded on the theory of like cures like. The treatment works with the assumption that a particular substance that heals a healthy person of a particular symptom, would also heal a sick person of that particular symptom.

The implication of this is that when you are going through a homeopathic treatment, you are treated on a symptom by symptom basis as opposed to treatment based on the particular illness you have.

Therefore, let us assume you have malaria and thus have a headache, cold, and loss of appetite. As opposed to treating for malaria as a whole, you would be treated for each of the symptoms, which in this case are a headache, cold, and loss of appetite individually.

This same approach has also been shown to be helpful in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. You tell the medical practitioner the particular symptoms that you are having and he would prescribe treatments for you based on each of the symptoms.

Why homeopathic treatments are effective Natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones

Homeopathic treatments represent effective Natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones because they address the symptoms of the illness. When an individual falls ill, he notices some changes in his body which could come in the form of pains, loss of appetite, and other abnormal feelings. These abnormal feelings are the symptoms. Once these symptoms are treated and all the abnormal feelings stop, then the person could be considered healed and could go start his normal daily activities once more.

If you are having menopausal symptoms, here are some recommended homeopathic treatments you could apply:

Calcarea Carbonica – most common natural remedy for hot flashes without hormones

If you experience hot flashes and night sweats as part of the symptoms you are having as a result of menopause, then Calcarea Carbonica is recommended for you. It is common for women who experience these symptoms to also experience chilly feelings too. Calcarea Carbonica is also effective for women who experience issues of severe flow when they are getting to the menopausal phase. It is also possible for the severe flow to come with cramps in the leg. If you are easily getting anxious and tired and having extreme flow at the same time prior to menopause, Calcarea Carbonica is also very effective in these cases as it has been proven to be able to cure the ailments.

Lachesis for menopause treatment

Lachesis is another type of very effective homeopathic remedy for hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. If the symptoms of menopause you are experiencing include insomnia or very serious headaches, then Lachesis is a very good homeopathic treatment you should use. Furthermore, if you are having issues concentrating, you are always anxious, or you find yourself thinking randomly and forgetting things easily, then you should also apply the Lachesis homeopathic treatment. Also, if you experience issues such as palpitations in the heart, especially when you sleep on the left part of your body, then you should use Lachesis homeopathic treatment. Lachesis homeopathic treatment also has the ability to increase the desire for sex in a woman.

Oophorinum for menopause treatment

Oophorinum is a type of homeopathic treatment that is very effective for treating symptoms that are related. This treatment is however only recommended for ladies who personally went to induce their menopause by asking for their ovaries to be removed surgically. If you are thus regularly experiencing hot flashes after removing your ovaries through surgery, then you should use the Oophorinum homeopathic treatment.

Sepia for menopause treatment

Sepia is also a very effective homeopathic remedy for people who are suffering from menopausal symptoms. It is effective for people who have tendencies of having hysterical bouts. It is thus suggested for this group of women. Furthermore, if you experience that one of the menopausal symptoms you are having is that you are scared of seeing your friends or even going out at all, known as agoraphobia, then sepia homeopathic treatment is also recommended for you. If you also notice that you are over-sensitive, get easily irritated, experience poor memory or forgetting easily, as well as claustrophobia, then sepia homeopathic treatment, is also recommended for you.

Natrum Muriaticum for menopause treatment

Natrum Muriaticum is another efficient homeopathic remedy. You can use this medicine if you are experiencing thinning of the vagina, pain in the vagina as well as vaginal dryness. Natrum Muriaticum homeopathic remedy is also effective in treating heavy and excessive bleeding prior to menopause. The treatment also helps if you are scared of being betrayed, abandoned, or rejected.


There many types of natural remedies for hot flashes without hormones. One of them is homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic treatment for hot flashes in menopause implies treating a patient based on the symptoms she is experiencing.

The most common homeopathic remedies for menopausal symptoms include Natrum Muriaticum, Sepia, Oophorinum, Lachesis, and Calcarea Carbonica. All of these medicines can be applied based on the type of menopause symptoms the patient is experiencing. The treatments have been declared to be very effective in treating menopausal symptoms.

Management of hot flashes and then perimenopausal symptoms can be very challenging. Usually, menopausal symptoms are not a serious medical condition but can hinder your daily activities. Trying the above-mentioned remedies and making certain dietary and lifestyle changes can go a long way. However, since they are natural, keep in mind that they’ll take some time before you see results. If you still notice no improvement after trying out the remedies, you must consult your doctor.

Which homeopath to choose for treatment of hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

First of all, remember that homeopathy is a branch of medicine and only a physician may practice homeopathic medicine. The homeopath should have a strong medical background as well as academic and clinical experience. However, not every physician may prescribe homeopathic remedies. It takes years of training to become a homeopath and to understand the philosophy of this method.

Homeopathic medicine is very complicated and can’t be learned in 1 or 2 months.

“I studied homeopathy for 3 years before my teacher, professor Popoff allowed me to make my first prescription,” doctor Tsan says.

In homeopathic medicine, two patients with the same complaints will receive different prescriptions just because one of them is brunette and another blond, or one is tall and skinny and another overweight.

Homeopathic prescriptions are based on a constitutional difference between patients and require special attention from the attending homeopath.

If you suffer from symptoms of menopause and want to receive the most harmless and natural remedy for hot flashes without hormones, consider homeopathy.

Contact Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic to make an appointment for the initial consultation and discuss your medical case with Victor Tsan, MD
