Homeosiniatry – Combination of Acupuncture and Homeopathy
The word homeopathy was first coined from the Greek words "homoios" and ‘’pathos," which mean similarity and suffering, respectively. Using a unique method called attenuation, a man named Hahnemann studied the effects of plants and minerals on healthy people to find out how dangerous they were. In turn, a patient suffering from a similar ‘’drug picture’’ is given this attenuation to determine if it can alleviate and cure an ailment. Toxicology was studied over time, and remedies for proving results were noted and recorded. A set of symptoms that make up a distinct "drug picture" gives a mental snapshot, or "gestalt," of a particular substance. This led to discoveries like that sulfur patients were messy, that ammonium salts made people fat, that Ignatia beans caused hysteria, that Pyrogenium made people smell bad, and so on. Because of these discoveries, clinical guidelines can now be used to find the proper treatment for each illness. This drug picture made clinical practice easier and delivery faster with the sole aim of curing, a far cry from what is obtained in allopathic practice, which provides palliative drugs such as calomel, opium, Fowler’s solution, etc. https://www.philahomeopathy.com/homeosiniatry-acupuncture-homeopathy/
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