Why Don’t You Need to Drink 8 Cups of Water a Day?

 Why Don’t You Need to Drink 8 Cups of Water a Day?

8 cups of water a day—is that a scientifically proven recommendation? Why 8 cups of water a day and not 7 or 9? Where is all this information coming from?
Everyone has heard the time-tested recommendation to drink 8 cups of water a day. But even if you fall short, it’s okay; the advice was probably bad to begin with.
According to recent research, which was published in the Journal of Science, most healthy adults don’t actually need to drink eight cups of water every day. The idea isn't good because it doesn't take into account the water we get from other things, like food and drinks like coffee and tea. According to the study, each person’s water requirements are unique and depend on age, sex, size, amount of physical activity, and geographic location. https://philaholisticclinic.com/healthy-living/why-you-dont-need-to-drink-8-cups-of-water-a-day/
