Facial Acupuncture performed by Da Wei Hu, LAc

 Facial Acupuncture performed by Da Wei Hu, LAc

Facial acupuncture is developed on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and thus becomes the foundation of the processes of rejuvenation and revitalization. Cosmetic acupuncture addresses the underlying issues that impact how you look because your face reflects your total health. Try a natural method before undergoing risky and expensive surgical procedures!
Since the pandemic started, many people have developed a need for a more holistic approach to beauty, especially regarding skincare. Recent trends in the beauty industry include facial massage therapies like Gua sha, jade rolling, and cupping. According to traditional Chinese medicine specialist Da Wei Hu, LAc, cosmetic acupuncture is one of these therapies. Facial Acupuncture - Da Wei Hu, LAc - Philadelphia Holistic Clinic (https://philaholisticclinic.com/facial-acupuncture/
