Advanced Alcoholism Treatment Philadelphia

Alcoholism – a disease, not a bad habit.

Alcoholism represents a devastating addiction that in the end ruins people`s lives. It is seen as a chronic condition that must be dealt with carefully. When it comes to treating and aiding an alcoholic, the best approach is that of professional treatment combined with therapy and support groups. Nowadays, there are more and more cases when medication is highly recommended. One of the meds prescribed called Esperal and it is said to be extremely beneficial for the patient. It was used as a alcohol addiction treatment philadelphiaremedy for heavy drinkers and it was one of the first medications authorized by the FDA and used in dealing with alcoholism.
Alcohol addiction turns out to be a problem when a person is incapable of surviving without it, and when alcohol consumption stops an individual from living an active, healthy, and happy life.

The medical condition when the overpowering craving for spirits prevails and the ability to avoid consumption is usually referred to as an alcohol addiction. Similar to other dependencies, alcohol addiction may be tremendously difficult to fight and an individual may experience difficulties to even accept the fact of the existence of this problem.

What is the edge between normal drinking and alcohol addiction?

Consuming a reasonable amount of spirits does not point to alcohol addiction. Lots of people drink alcoholic beverages and still are not addicted to them. Government recommendations acclaim that females consume less than three drinks daily, and males less than four. One “drink” is virtually compatible with 25 ml of hard alcohol beverages (cognac, vodka, rum), or 125 ml of dry wine, a 16 – 22 oz. of beer.

It is a known fact that the excessive consumption of alcohol may cause or deteriorate the development of some pathological medical conditions. The list of those conditions includes hepatic cirrhosis, cardiac diseases, melancholy, nervousness, and impairment of the brain. Studies suggest that nearly a quarter of males and 15-17 percent of females consume a number of spirits that is sufficient to significantly increase the risk of development of different medical disorders associated with alcohol.

Causes of alcohol addiction

Causes of alcohol addiction

Numerous physical, environmental, emotional, and social factors may stimulate the development of alcohol addiction treatment in Philadelphia. The list of these factors includes:

Alcohol Addiction Symptoms

Symptoms of alcoholism

  • tenacious consumption of spirits;
  • a resilient craving to consume alcohol;
  • inability to control the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • fluctuations of the frame of mind;
  • deficiency of attentiveness;
  • insufficient ability to memorize;
  • going up or down tolerance to spirits;
  • the absence of interest in other than drinking life events.

Somatic symptoms accompanying alcohol addiction are the unsettled stomach, perspiring, nervousness, and trembling.

Mechanism of Alcohol addiction.

Alcohol dependence may results in broken relationships due to the inappropriate (aggressive, wild, physical) behavior of the drunk person. People with dependency on alcohol very often become indifferent to their career development and financial status. Apathy is a very common form of reaction to the outside world for individuals, who are suffering from alcohol addiction.

Mechanism of Alcohol Addiction

Many of them even have some suicidal thoughts. If this is the case a professional medical (mental) care is necessary to control the further development of the pattern. Most of the people who are free from alcohol addiction cannot even accept the fact that someone is unable to stop drinking and “agree” to lose a job, money, family, love, etc. in exchange for a drink. In reality, however, a necessity for alcohol consumption in addicted individuals is as mandatory as a necessity for a healthy person to drink water or to eat food. At some point, many addicts experience an emotional state of remorse, embarrassment, and regret. They understand the necessity of breaking the pattern, however, the physiological aspect of this disorder keeps them in the same state causing even deeper depression.

Esperal treatment for alcoholism.

Our body has a specific reaction to alcohol.  It transforms it into a substance known as acetaldehydes, which in high levels acts as a toxin. The liver is the one responsible for dealing with these toxins and this is the main reason why alcoholism is linked to several liver diseases. Esperal is the one that prevents the liver from breaking down the toxins and leads to various physical symptoms. Hence, the patient experiences shortness of breath, palpitations, or even nausea.

Esperal Implant for Alcohol Addiction

Those are meant to determine the patient to quit drinking. Keep in mind that these symptoms are dreadful and can last for a couple of hours. Hence, this is the main reason why the patients that take Esperal end up choosing sobriety. Moreover, if the patient continues drinking while still taking this medication it can cause severe side effects. Everything that has alcohol in it must be avoided in order for the treatment to be successful.

Esperal Implant 

The Esperal implants first appeared in Europe. The clinical trials show their effectiveness and prove their ability to help a patient in reaching long-term sobriety. The Esperal implant is more useful than the pills due to the fact that it has a higher impact on both the brain and body. Also, when it comes to Esperal-implant for alcoholismpills, a patient may have a chance of not taking them. This means the Esperal implant is the best option for dealing properly with alcoholism.

Fake and Real Esperal.

If you find a commercial for Esperal with a picture like this one – it is a counterfeit. Regrettably, at present many healing clinics in Eastern Europe promoting a phony version of this medical device, as well as Esperal pills and invasive embedding techniques. Turn out to be an expert patient and don’t get tricked by staves.

Stare at this picture and cogitate the following:

  1. The label stays: “Made in USA.” This is not true. There is no facility in the USA that manufactures Esperal. The main factory and headquarter located in Lion France, and sometimes they use new plants in Switzerland.
  2. The label stays: “Without prescription.” Wrong!!! Even with a prescription, only Esperal certified practitioners can get the Esperal device. It’s sold to narcologists only.
  3. The label stays: “Distributed by Healthwise Medical, LTD.” There is no distribution company with this name in the USA.
  4. And finally, the label displays the factory address: “Farmington CN 003458.” But the problem is that there is no state in the USA with the abbreviation CN and zip codes in the USA are five digits only.

Be couscous and make the right decision before you chose the right provider for your therapy.

How Esperal for alcoholism works?

So, how does this implant work? The answer is quite simple. It is inserted into the patient`s gluteus or brachial muscles, where it releases a dose of the drug during an entire life of the implant (up to 5 years).

Disulfiram taken in the form of pills or inserted in the form of implants usually causes a strong nasty body response to alcohol. The following group of pharmaceutical agents contains Disulfiram and widely used for alcoholism treatment: Antabuse, Esperal, Tetidis.

Esperal for alcholism

The individual that takes 500 mg of Disulfiram in the morning feels the following symptoms after a few sips of alcoholic drink throughout the day:

  1. Irritated, Inflamed face and neck.
  2. Red spots all over the arms, legs, and trunk.
  3. Unsettled stomach.
  4. Shortness of breath.
  5. Migraine-like headache.
  6. Unsteadiness, vertigo, faintness.
  7. High blood pressure swapped with low blood pressure.
  8. Tachycardia and arrhythmia.
  9. Fear of death.

Consumption of alcohol develops severe sickness and turns out to be intolerable. The downside of the prescription of pill-blockers for a daily intake is that this treatment may face a situation when an alcoholic intentionally skips a daily dosage of pills due to a craving for alcohol. For that reason, a more consistent medical strategy is interventional Disulfiram implantation. The best-known implant on the market is Esperal, which is available everywhere in Europe and finally coming to the USA.

Esperal Implantation Procedure.

The anti-alcohol device, better known in the USA as pellets contains a microchip and a reservoir with a highly concentrated Disulfiram. The microchip controls the level of alcohol in blood every 30 seconds and when this level becomes “high” a shot of disulfiram accompanied with supporting ingredients being infused into the patient’s bloodstream.

Esperal Implantation

The Implantation procedure of Esperal is simple and practically painless. Using a special device similar to a needless syringe, the microchip is inserted into the tissues of the arm or hip with the help of a powerful air pressure injector. Implantation does not require even local anesthesia since it is painless and lasts for a fragment of a second. The post-surgical “scar” after this procedure will disappear in about 10-15 minutes. After the insertion, patients don’t feel the device and it does not bother them in any way. Depending on the size of the reservoir this device may last and flawlessly work from 6 months to 5 years. Upon running out of the Esperal, it dissolves (melts) in the tissues, and there are no protocols for removing the expired implant. Esperal therapy delivers exceptional outcomes because the consumption of alcohol practically intolerable while the Esperal functioning.
The person in the film published below is Dr. Tsan’s patient who undergone the full course of treatment for alcohol addiction including implantation of Esperal. After a few months of being clear-headed and having no urges for alcohol consumption, he decided to perform an experiment and test if the chip really works. This was only one case in our clinic when the Esperal executed starting the Disulfiram Ethanol Reaction (DER). Our patient officially gave us the approval to post this footage on the website.

Treatment for Alcoholism in Philadelphia

One of the major downsides in the USA is the fact that until recently you could only get prescribed the Antabuse pills. Implants, however, mostly known as Esperal in the US, began to be used more frequently in centers that are dealing with severe forms of alcoholism. When it comes to Philadelphia, the Esperal implant is available in only one place. At Philadelphia Addiction Center, Dr. Tsan provides the opportunity to his patients to benefit from this type of interventional medical approach. As a part of alcoholism treatment, Dr. Tsan implants the French-made device Esperal into patients’ bodies, which boosts the effectiveness of the treatment up to 100%. The beauty of this implant is the fact that it creates a habit of not drinking for the patient. Implantation of the Esperal is helpful in dealing with alcoholism because it allows the patient to discover that he/she can have a normal life without abusing alcoholic beverages.


Most of the individuals, who suffer from alcohol addiction are trying to mask it from society. Also, many people do not even accept the fact that they are addicted. As a result, alcohol-addicted people not usually undergo any treatment and allow the disease (alcohol addiction) to progress.

At the same time, numerous alcoholics are capable of reconstituting their lives and governing the addiction pattern with the correct case management and support.

Hypnotherapy in different forms is the leading method of treatment of addictions in general and alcohol addiction particularly. Hypnotherapeutic induction allows a practitioner to contact a patient’s subconscious mind and expose the core source of the disorder. In many cases, the hypnotherapist may perform a life regression procedure to understand when and why the patient had a 1st drink in a lifetime. By placing the patient in that “virtual past time” clinical hypnotist may virtually prevent the individual from drinking the very first shot and when the patient returns back from the trance the recollection about drinking habit wiped out.


So, if you want to benefit from the amazing effects of an Esperal implant, you can find it at Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic. Dr. Tsan will offer you professional services that will help you in dealing with your condition. It is the most innovative way to fight alcoholism. Moreover, it is proved to boost the effectiveness of alcoholism treatment.

To make an appointment for an initial free consultation and to discuss with Dr. Tsan your best options contact our clinic (267) 403-3085 or visit our on-line secure scheduling system
