Acupuncture For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Acupuncture is one of the most effective, natural and safeties approaches obesity treatment. In the last 40 years, acupuncture as a method of treatment has gained more popularity and acceptance mostly among individuals battling obesity. According to the data generated by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), the United States recorded about 10 million successful acupuncture treatments in 2014.

Weight Loss Acupuncture

At the time of writing this article, there is a growing number of scientific studies which shows the effectiveness of acupuncture in providing pain relief and habit control. Researchers and health practitioners have been actively involved in the quest to understand the mystery behind the full potentials of acupuncture as a treatment measure and also improve their knowledge on how this can be utilized for the treatment of several health conditions such as weight loss and obesity.

The use of Weight Loss Acupuncture is still gaining acceptance and more grounds and with proper research Acupuncture For Weight Loss can be the missing link in the treatment of obesity and other related health challenges.

What is Acupuncture For Weight Loss?

Acupuncture is a treatment method that involves the insertion of very fine and sterile needles at specific parts of the body or energy pathways. The insertion of these needles stimulates the body to release its natural ‘feel-good’ hormone known as endorphins. When these hormones are released by the body, they tend to assist it in calming down and relaxing, thus counteract the need for the large appetite caused as a result of anxiety, frustration, and increased stress. The use of acupuncture has been proven as a sure way of calming down the afflicted and also assist them to lose weight without the use of drugs.

Can Acupuncture help to Lose Weight?

The use of acupuncture for obesity according to recent studies was more effective when combined with traditional methods of weight loss. When acupuncture for obesity is combined with other forms of traditional treatments, it is believed that attending two to three acupuncture sessions is enough to set the pace for your weight loss. This combination assists the patients to be better adapted and aware of their weight loss goals.

It is quite a shocking fact to note that almost half of America is overweight and in their struggle to shed off the extra weight, America spends over 33 billion dollars per annum on weight loss programs alone. Even after investing so much time and resources in these weight loss programs, the success of these programs is pegged at 5%. With so much disappointment in the treatment and control of obesity, it is widely believed that acupuncture for weight loss can be the best treatment for losing weight.

The Use of Weight Loss Acupuncture

Several scientists are of the view that excessive weight gains are caused by an imbalance in the body which may arise due to a malfunction of some vital organs such as the liver and spleen. Most often than not, the skilled acupuncture professionals may leverage on this advantage to bring about activation of processes which leads to weight loss.

Weight loss acupuncture usually focuses on the vital organs and systems of the body such as the kidney and endocrine systems which are responsible for water retention and the stimulation of nerve and hormonal rebalance. The other systems and organs targeted during acupuncture are the thyroid and spleen which affect the body’s ability to maintain sugar and hormonal balance. During menopause, the treatment of weight loss through acupuncture can also include the adrenal and ovary glands.

Acupuncture for weight loss

The effect of acupuncture varies from one individual to the other. While others may experience a fairly quick result, this may be delayed in some individuals thus lasting for several weeks.

Auricular acupuncture has been used by professionals to assist individuals to fight against addictions. This has found use in assisting the patients to improve on their feeding habits which can lead to weight loss. Research has shown that acupuncture as a treatment measure affects the neuroendocrine system by serving as a barrier that blocks harmful neurochemicals in order to restore the natural balance of the hormones and the neurotransmitter levels. The endorphins released during acupuncture assist the body to reduce stress which prevents the urge to overeat.

How Does Weight Loss Acupuncture Help?

The use of acupuncture for weight loss can be effective in the following ways:

Weight loss acupuncture Reduces Appetite

One of the major causes of obesity is the over secretion of leptin and ghrelin which are hunger hormones. While ghrelin signals the body to eat, it is the duty of leptin to announce to the body when it has had enough food. Acupuncture manipulates the levels of these hormones to reduce the level of your appetite for food and hence curb your urge for junk foods which can make you obese.

Weight loss acupuncture Improves Digestion

The use of acupuncture at the stomach and kidney points makes it possible to improve the general function of the digestive system and also increases the general amount of nutrients needed by the body. Acupuncture tends to improve the overall health of the gut and also relieves bloating, constipation, and other gastrointestinal challenges which may lead to fat deposition in your body.

Weight loss acupuncture Reduces Inflammation

The presence of tension or inflammation in the muscles, gut, and other tissues of the body slows down metabolism and thus, may put a strain on the immune system or the health of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. Acupuncture for weight loss lowers the levels of oxidative stress and may optimize the body for weight loss.

Weight loss acupuncture Stops Water Retention

Acupuncture for weight loss also stimulates the rate at which the nerves of the endocrine and renal systems retain water. When the water retention capacity of the body is reduced, it augments the body’s ability to burn fats.

Weight loss acupuncture balances Production of Hormones

A reduction in the total amount of hormones in the body can adversely affect the bodily processes and functions such as digestion and the healing power of the immune system. When it comes to balancing the hormone levels, the acupuncture of the spleen is highly effective.

Weight loss acupuncture Boosts Metabolism

The insertion of the needles into the thyroid area can improve the general functioning of the pituitary gland. This is one of the few parts of the body which controls metabolism. It can lead to an increase in the rate at which fats are burned up. This makes your daily routines more effective in terms of burning some calories and losing weight.

Weight loss acupuncture helps in Mood improvement

The release of endorphins associated with the use of acupuncture eliminates stress and anxiety; the major causes of overeating. Endorphins are naturally feel-good hormones and their release into the body system can assist it in eliminating the urge to feel stressed out and anxious.

Side effects of Acupuncture

Common with every form of treatment, the side of effects of using acupuncture as a method of treating weight loss is listed below;

  • Soreness

The insertion of needles at strategic locations in the body can lead to soreness of that particular area. This soreness may disappear after a few hours depending on the area of the body. There are cases when acupuncture has led to the formation of bruises at the point where the needles were inserted.

  • Fatigue

The changing nature of the metabolism and levels of the hormones and bodily processes can leave the body feeling exhausted most especially during the first treatments. This fatigue may disappear over time but as you continue with the treatment, acupuncture will improve the overall energy of the body.

  • Worsening Symptoms

The alteration in the body’s chemistry can worsen the general symptoms experienced in the body. This alteration may cause a reoccurrence of an old ailment for a short time.

  • High Emotions

The release of neurotransmitters and different hormones in the body can make you sensitive to emotions, increases the level of your response to situations, and may cause an emotional imbalance.

  • Muscle Spasms

Practicing acupuncture stimulates the nerves. This stimulation may continue even after the needles have been removed. This can lead to muscle spasms or tremors but will likely fade away after a day or two.

These side effects are mostly caused as a result of the changes occurring in the hormone levels and also bodily functions. While these side effects are common, most often than not, they may not last for more than 2 days. The side effects may also be associated with some mood swings but this shouldn’t be a cause for alarm.


For the treatment to be effective, the patients should note the following about acupuncture for weight loss.

  1. Only a qualified acupuncturist should be allowed to administer the treatment.
  2. The treatment should be combined with a reduction in calorie intake and physical exercise.
  • Always seek medical advice from your doctor before enrolling for a session. This will go a long way in determining your fitness for the procedure.


As much as Weight loss acupuncture can be a good method of treating obesity it should be noted that it cannot function alone and may need to be combined with other activities such as improved eating habits and physical exercise.

Acupuncture For Weight Loss in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Weight Loss Clinic – the division of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic is the leading acupuncture facility in the City of Brotherly Love. Licensed acupuncturists led by the internationally recognized medical doctor and hypnotherapist Victor Tsan have special training in weight loss.

Our program includes ALL the most advanced and modern approaches to obesity treatment. Only at the Philadelphia Weight Loss Clinic, along with other diagnostic techniques, we perform DNA test that shows the relation of patient’s overweight to genetic problems and based on the result of the DNA test we have the ability to recognize the specific chromosomes and genes responsible for the particular medical condition.

For appointment contact our clinic or use an online scheduling application here
