Natural Treatment for Psoriasis

Treatment for psoriasis usually helps to keep this medical condition under control. Treatments for psoriasis are determined by the type and severity of your psoriasis, and the area of skin affected.

A wide range of treatments for psoriasis are available for psoriasis, but identifying the most effective one can be difficult. Talk to your doctor if you feel a treatment is not working or you have uncomfortable side effects.

Treatment for Psoriasis
Psoriasis treatment. Eczema, dermatitis skin disease psoriasis. Infographics. Vector illustration on isolated background

Listed below are some medicines typically used for the treatment of psoriasis

Steroid cream

  • This has been the staple treatment for a long time now. They are extremely effective and come in varying strengths ranging from hydrocortisone for milder psoriasis right up to demotivate which is a very potent corticosteroid.

Coal Tar products

  • Believe it or not, no one in the medical community has any idea how it works, but all doctors agree that somehow, it does! Although they have a nasty odor and can be a bit messy these products remain one of the most popular types of treatment, particularly when used in a shampoo form specifically as a scalp psoriasis treatment.

Salicylic Acid

  • This has been around for years. Generally, it works by lifting the scales of the skin and allowing other treatments to penetrate far more effectively which is why you commonly find it combined with other types of treatment for psoriasis.


  • This medication is also used as a chemotherapy drug for cancer and various forms of arthritis. It can dramatically clear up psoriasis lesions. However, it can cause side effects, so your doctor will have you come in for regular blood tests.

What is psoriasis

If you suffer from psoriasis, you are far from alone. There are around 7.5 million people in the United States who have it and over 100 million around the world. Psoriasis causes dry and rough skin on different areas of your body such as hands, lips, mouth, feet, ears, scalp, nails, elbows, and eyelids. These areas can be itchy, sore, and downright uncomfortable when severe.

What is psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic (recurring) disease of the immune system that affects the skin. This non-contagious condition occurs when the body’s immune system “over-reacts” and causes skin cells to grow at an abnormally fast rate. Since the production of skin cells is a cyclical process that involves skin cell death, this causes a unique physical condition characterized by unsightly scaly patches of skin that range in color from red to white to silver.

What is psoriasis arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis occurs in up to 40% of psoriasis sufferers. Psoriatic arthritis is an autoimmune condition. It happens when your body’s immune system attacks healthy tissue by mistake.

The result is joint pain and inflammation which may be limited to a few joints (typically near the ends of toes and fingers) or generalized to other, larger joints.

What are psoriasis main locations on the body?

Psoriasis is most commonly found on the outside of joints such as elbow and knee areas. However, any area of the body can be affected including the scalp area, palms, and even the genitals. It should be noted, however, that some individuals with psoriasis do not experience the skin problems associated with this disease.

Main locations of skin elements

What is psoriasis degree of strength?

Everybody is different. Some individuals suffer only from isolated patches while others are almost completely covered by them. Psoriasis treatment will also determine the degree to which psoriasis affects one’s quality of life.

Psoriasis often presents accompanying problems to areas such as the fingernails and toenails, which can result in anything from mild discoloration to nail separation, depending on the degree of severity.

Causes of psoriasis.

People are often looking for an answer to what is the main cause of psoriasis. The exact causes of psoriasis are unknown to date. However, it is associated with the problem of the immune system with the body cells. Nevertheless, one key cell (also known as T cell or T lymphocyte) is a kind of white blood cell that travels all over our body to identify and fight against foreign substances for example bacteria or viruses. In the case of psoriasis, the T cells wrongly attack your healthy cells of the skin.

Below we’ll discuss what causes psoriasis, what are the most common locations and symptoms of this ailment.

Listed below are some of the common triggers of psoriasis:

  • Cold weather.
  • Consuming excessive alcohol.
  • Infections for example skin infections or strep throat.
  • Skin injury for example severe sunburn, bug bite, scrape or cut.
  • Specific medications include lithium.

What Are the Complications of Psoriasis?

An individual with psoriasis is more likely to develop the below-mentioned diseases:

  • Eye conditions such as uveitis, blepharitis, and conjunctivitis.
  • Psoriatic arthritis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Metabolic syndrome.
  • Cardiovascular disease.
  • Parkinson’s disease.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Another autoimmune disease.

Moreover, individuals with psoriasis can also become socially isolated. All in all, psoriasis affecting the quality of life.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Symptoms of psoriasis can turn from mild to severe and vice versa from time to time. The purpose of the treatment of psoriasis is to prevent the growth of skin cells instantly.

Psoriatic Symptoms

Note: The symptoms of psoriasis may differ from individual to individual however can include one/few of the flowing common symptoms:

  • Patches of red, inflamed skin, often covered with scaly silver-colored loose skin. These “plaques” may be painful and itchy, or sometimes even crack and bleed if scratched or picked at.
  • Itching, particularly during sudden flare-ups. This is most often noticeable in skin folds, such as under the breasts or buttocks.
  • The appearance of similar plaques in the same area on both sides of the body (for example, both knees and both elbows).
  • Discoloration and pitting of the finger and toenails. Nails may become brittle or detach from the nail bed, although this should not be confused with a fungal nail infection which may look similar in appearance.
  • Thick crusted plaques on the scalp, more severe than simply an itchy dry scalp.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

Symptoms of Psoriatic Arthritis

The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis include:

  • Swollen fingers and toes
  • Foot pain
  • Lower back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling and pain around tendons
  • Stiffness and tiredness in the morning
  • Less range of motion
  • Nail changes
  • Eye redness and pain
  • Scaly skin, especially on your knees, elbows, and scalp

Psoriatic arthritis shares some symptoms with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). But RA usually affects joints on both sides of your body. It can also cause bumps under your skin. Other skins and nail changes are more likely with psoriatic arthritis.

Natural treatments for psoriasis

If medications fail to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis or cause unwanted side effects, people may try natural treatment for psoriasis, such as herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, and vitamins, for relief. Some people with psoriasis find a natural treatment for psoriasis very effective.

Listed below are different approaches to natural treatment for psoriasis

Home remedies for psoriasis – most popular natural treatment for psoriasis

Home Remedies

Home remedies for psoriasis are one of the most popular forms of natural treatment for psoriasis. Listed below are the most commonly used home remedies for psoriasis

Salt baths

  • A salt bath is one of the home remedies for psoriasis. A warm (not hot) bath can be soothing to the skin, especially for people with psoriasis. You can try adding Epsom salt, mineral oil, colloidal oatmeal, or olive oil to help with itching and irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Keep a bottle of apple cider vinegar close to your shower, especially if you suffer from scalp psoriasis. Apple cider vinegar is a natural scalp psoriasis treatment. This is an inexpensive therapy that can bring positive results in under a month. There are a couple of ways you can apply it. You can apply it directly to the scalp and then rinse it out thoroughly once it has dried. If this feels like it is burning your scalp, dilute it with water in equal parts and then apply it. Avoid this option if your skin is cracked, as this will be extremely irritating and uncomfortable.

Fish oil or omega-3 fats

  • Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids, which fish and fish oil supplements often contain, can reduce inflammation and improve autoimmune diseases. A 2014 meta-analysis found “moderate evidence” that fish oils might help people with psoriasis, which is both inflammatory and autoimmune.

Aloe Vera

  • Creams made from extracts of the Aloe Vera plant can be applied to the skin to help reduce redness, scaling, itching, and inflammation.

Avoid fragrances

  • Most soaps and perfumes have dyes and other chemicals in them that may irritate your skin. They can make you smell great, but they also can inflame psoriasis.

Eat healthy food

  • Diet may play a role in managing psoriasis. Eliminating red meat, saturated fats, refined sugars, carbohydrates, and alcohol may help reduce flare-ups triggered by such foods. Coldwater fish, seeds, nuts, and omega-3 fatty acids are known for their ability to reduce inflammation. This can help manage psoriasis symptoms.

Reduce stress

  • Any chronic condition like psoriasis can be a source of stress, which in turn can worsen psoriasis symptoms. In addition to reducing stress whenever possible, consider incorporating stress-reducing practices such as yoga and meditation.

Herbs for psoriasis – effective home-based natural treatment for psoriasis

People have used herbs to treat skin conditions for centuries, and recent research has supported the idea that some herbal treatments may improve psoriasis symptoms.

Listed below are the most effective herbs for psoriasis

Oregon grape

  • Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium) is also called barberry. Oregon grape is one of the herbs for psoriasis that has anti-inflammatory properties. The stem and leaves of the plant can be ground into a powder or distilled into an extract that is then used to make a topical skin cream. It’s been found to reduce redness in psoriatic flares when used topically.

Indigo Naturalis

  • Indigo Naturalis is a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine. It’s also been used to make indigo-colored dye for many centuries.


  • Turmeric is part of the same family as the ginger plant. Its active ingredient is called curcumin. Turmeric is a natural treatment for psoriasis that has unique anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which have led scientists to study it as a treatment for psoriasis.

Homeopathic treatment of psoriasis – #1 natural treatment for psoriasis

Homeopathy is a safe and reliable method of treatment for psoriasis. It uses natural medicine, which is free from side-effects, and a majority of cases can be treated with these remedies. They can be used by people of all age groups. They work by moderating the over-active immune system.

The initial aim is to manage the itching and burning sensation in the eruptions. Also, healing of the current eruptions takes place along with the prevention of the further spread of eruptions. Homeopathic medicines also are very beneficial for treating joint pains that are linked with Psoriasis.

Listed below are homeopathic remedies for psoriasis

Arsenic Iodatum

  • Arsenic Iodatum is one of the homeopathic remedies for psoriasis used when there is shedding of large scales from the skin eruptions. The skin is covered with inflamed patches with scales on them.

Petroleum Oleum

  • Petroleum Oleum is a very suitable homeopathic remedy for Psoriasis where deep cracks appear on the skin. There are a burning sensation and intolerable itching on the affected skin.

Sepia Succus

  • Sepia Succus is a beneficial homeopathic treatment for psoriasis characterized by the presence of big oval lesions on the skin. The lesions are reddish papules and are isolated.

Mercurius Solubilis

  • Mercurius Solubilis is a natural scalp psoriasis treatment. In typical homeopathic remedy cases, the scalp is covered with abundant white scales.

Acupuncture for psoriasis – ancient Chinese natural treatment for psoriasis

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine-based approach to treating a variety of conditions by triggering specific points on the skin with needles.

Acupuncture for psoriasis is a natural treatment for psoriasis that is a minimally invasive method to stimulate nerve-rich areas of the skin surface to influence tissues, gland, organs, and various functions of the body.”

Each acupuncture needle produces a tiny injury at the insertion site, and although it’s slight enough to cause little to no discomfort, it’s enough of a signal to let the body know it needs to respond. This response involves stimulation of the immune system, promoting circulation to the area, wound healing, and pain modulation.

Acupuncture treatment for psoriasis proved its effectiveness. Many pieces of research have suggested that acupuncture may be worth considering.

Acupuncture treatment for psoriasis can help in a number of ways. It’s an effective stress reliever – and stress is a common trigger of psoriasis flares. It can also help relieve pain, especially from psoriatic arthritis.

More research is needed in this area. However, some anecdotal evidence suggests that acupuncture can be an effective natural treatment for psoriasis.

This may include the ability to reduce symptoms or lead to psoriasis remission.

Research related to the topic includes the following:

  • 2016 literature review argued that acupuncture treatment of psoriasis can be effective with minimal side effects.
  • 2017 review of 13 randomized trials argues that acupuncture-related therapies such as acupressure can be considered an adjunct therapy for psoriasis and encourages more research. Acupressure is a highly satisfactory adjunctive therapy that can demonstrate clinically significant reductions in self-reported pain and anxiety. It can be helpful in reducing psoriasis triggers such as stress.
  • 2004 study of 80 participants found that psoriasis was 91.3% effective in relieving psoriasis symptoms after just five acupuncture sessions.
  • An older 1992 study found that half of all patients in the study (30 out of 61) had complete or nearly complete disappearance of the lesions after about nine acupuncture sessions. In fourteen participants, two-thirds of the defeats disappeared.

Conclusion on treatment for psoriasis

People can sometimes manage mild psoriasis with home remedies alone. However, if symptoms worsen, it is best to see a doctor about additional treatment options.

Individuals should discuss any supplements, herbs, vitamins, or other home treatments with their doctor to ensure that the therapy will be suitable and safe.

Treatment for psoriasis could be allopathic or holistic and in both cases, it must be provided by medical professionals.

If you choose to treat your psoriasis naturally contact Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic and schedule your appointment for evaluation and treatment
