Treatment for bronchitis usually depends on the cause. The causes can be smoking, air pollution, bacterial and viral pathogens. Treatment of bronchitis is very important, if left untreated other health problems may arise. This includes pneumonia and asthma.
Bronchitis caused by viral pathogens usually disappears on its own after a few days. This kind of bronchitis is not usually serious. Bronchitis caused by smoking needs one to stop the habit. This is the only sure treatment of bronchitis for a smoker. Drugs can be used as one stops the habit. If not stopped, the condition will reappear. This can lead to more chronic issues such as pneumonia, asthma, and even cancer.
Treatment of bronchitis caused by bacteria can be done using antibiotics. Note that the antibiotics are not effective in conditions not caused by bacterial pathogens. The antibiotics can be used together with expectorant cough syrup. This makes it easier for harmful bacteria in the lungs to be expelled out with the phlegm. Most of the symptoms of the condition disappear within days of treatment of bronchitis.
Another treatment option that has been effective to reduce the symptoms of bronchitis is a natural treatment. Natural treatment for bronchitis has been proven to be effective without causing any side effects.
Knowing what Bronchitis is and recognizing the symptoms may be beneficial in the early discovery of the disease and proper and timely treatment.
What is bronchitis?
Bronchitis is a medical condition in which the bronchial tubes present in the lungs get inflamed. The main function of these tubes is to carry air to the lungs and when these get inflamed, the person suffers from excess mucus, chest pain, breathing difficulty, low-grade fever, and wheezing.
Causes of bronchitis
The causes of bronchitis vary, depending on whether it is acute or chronic.
Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viruses, typically the same viruses that cause colds and flu (influenza). Antibiotics don’t kill viruses, so this type of medication isn’t useful in most cases of bronchitis.
The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoking. Air pollution and dust or toxic gases in the environment or workplace also can contribute to the condition.
Signs and symptoms of bronchitis
The visible signs of bronchitis are cough, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, fatigue, and fever. A cough comes with yellow or green mucus that is produced in a large amount causing discomfort in the airways. Not all mucus produced is a result of bronchitis. A moderate amount of clear-colored mucus produced in our throats on a daily basis and this secretion regularly swallowed with saliva. When bronchitis sets in, it starts with the inflammation of the bronchial tubes and followed by excessive secretion of colored mucus, irritating the bronchial tubes and causing coughs.
There are two types of bronchitis, namely acute bronchitis, and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is usually caused by viral or bacterial infection while chronic bronchitis is As a result of constant irritation of the linings of the bronchial tubes often triggered by exposure to air pollutants or different forms of smoke.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between bronchitis and other conditions that affect your lungs and breathing. The signs and symptoms of bronchitis often start with a cold: your nose is runny, your throat sore, and you feel run-down.
One of the common signs of bronchitis is a cough that lasts for 5 days or more. Here are some other signs and symptoms of bronchitis:
- Clear, yellow, white, or green phlegm
- No fever, although you might have a low fever at times
- Tenderness or soreness in your chest when you cough
- You feel tired all the time
- Whistling or wheezing while you breathe
- A rattling feeling in your chest
- Chills
Types of bronchitis
The two main types of bronchitis are acute or short-term bronchial inflammation and chronic or ongoing bronchial inflammation.
- Acute bronchitis
This is a type of Bronchitis that is usually caused due to infections or exposure to any kind of lung irritants. Viruses that cause common cold and flu can also be a causative factor for this condition. Some bacteria may also cause bronchial inflammation.
The active infection may be present for a week to ten days in acute conditions but the cough may persist for longer. Some of the factors that can increase your risk of developing acute bronchial inflammation include smoking, both active and passive, air pollution, dust, fumes, and any other lung irritants. It is better to consult a physician or pulmonologist at the earliest if you notice any of these symptoms to prevent the condition from becoming chronic.
- Chronic bronchial inflammation
This is a type of Bronchitis that is much more serious. In this case, the lining of the bronchial tubes is continuously getting inflamed and infected which leads to excessive mucus and cough. Smoking is one of the most common causative factors for this condition. In individuals who smoke, the lining is constantly irritated and when exposed to other irritants like viruses or bacteria, the damage becomes much worse. The symptoms like cough, mucus, and breathing trouble can get severe and the person may even require hospitalization.
Chronic bronchitis is a long-term condition that requires extensive therapy. It is best to consult a doctor when the symptoms appear as early diagnosis means better treatment outcome. If you are a smoker, then it is important that you quit the habit to get relief from the symptoms. Otherwise, medications may only provide temporary relief and the symptoms will soon start all over again. Complete recovery is only possible if you quit smoking or avoid passive secondhand smoke; along with medications and a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to bid goodbye to this debilitating condition.
Bronchitis vs pneumonia
It is very difficult to understand the difference between bronchitis and pneumonia. Both are diseases of the lower respiratory system and have an equally adverse effect on pulmonary air passages. Proper knowledge about the difference between bronchitis and pneumonia facilitates correct diagnosis, a factor that is of utmost importance in the effective management and treatment of respiratory disorders.
Most cases of bronchitis are caused by viruses, often the same viruses that are responsible for common colds and the flu. “The same virus that causes the common cold settles lower down and causes bronchitis” in some people.
Bacteria is the most common cause of pneumonia and it can occur on its own, or it can be the result of a viral infection, like the cold or the flu.
Bronchitis vs Asthma
Bronchial Asthma and Asthmatic Bronchitis are respiratory diseases that cause the inflammation of the bronchial tube, and as a result of this, less air is allowed to flow in and out of the lungs. It is characterized by the presence of thick mucus in the bronchi and phlegm is coughed up often.
Asthma and bronchitis have similar symptoms, but different causes. In both asthma and bronchitis, the airways become inflamed. They swell up, making it harder for air to move into the lungs. As a result, less oxygen gets out to the organs and tissues. Too little oxygen causes symptoms like shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness.
Viruses or environmental factors like tobacco smoke and pollution cause bronchitis. Gene changes and environmental triggers like pollen and dust in the air cause asthma.
Natural treatment for bronchitis
Natural treatment for bronchitis is one of the best treatment approaches to cure bronchitis permanently. Natural treatments for bronchitis are effective, easy to achieve, and has no side effects. Listed below are the most common, effective, and popular natural treatments for bronchitis.
Home remedies for bronchitis – most popular form of natural treatment for bronchitis
Home remedies for bronchitis topping the list of natural remedies for bronchitis that are easy to achieve at home and can help relieve the symptoms of bronchitis. \
Listed below are effective home remedies for bronchitis
- Keeping the air in the home or workplace moist helps to loosen mucus in the airways and reduce coughing. This is the #1 home remedy for bronchitis.
- Staying adequately hydrated when you’re battling bronchitis helps to thin out mucus, making it easier to expel.
Wearing a face mask in cold weather
- Being hit by sudden cold air can increase a cough. Covering up the mouth and nose before going outside in cold weather can help to reduce coughing and shortness of breath. Cold-air face masks are available, or the mouth can be covered with a scarf or other item of clothing. Preventing cold air from flowing through the bronchi is another important home remedy for bronchitis
Lifestyle changes
A healthy lifestyle is a natural remedy that can help prevent the occurrence of bronchitis. The following changes may help improve your recovery and reduce the risk of bronchitis:
- Avoid polluted environments.
- Avoid smoking and second-hand smoke environments.
- Boost your immunity with a healthy diet.
- Exercise at least 3 times per week for a minimum of 20 minutes each time.
- Wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of infection.
- Honey is a natural bronchitis remedy that is often used as a remedy for cough, and it is said to have both antiviral and antibacterial properties. This is the most popular home remedy for bronchitis.
Essential oils for bronchitis – effective and simple natural treatment for bronchitis
Essential oils are natural bronchitis remedy that helps combat bronchitis by focusing on reducing the symptoms of the illness. There are several essential oils out there that can help with bronchitis, and some are more effective than others. These oils can help expel the mucus build-up, reduce inflammation in the airways, and help relax the mind and body so it can heal properly. Listed below are essential oils for bronchitis:
Tea Tree
- Tea tree essential oil has strong antiviral and antimicrobial properties, this is one of the best ways on how to cure bronchitis permanently. This means that it can help inhibit the virus that causes the illness to occur. It also possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties that could help relax the swollen airways and break up the mucus clogging them.
- Eucalyptus oil is a popular essential oil for bronchitis that can help to reduce inflammation in the airways and also help treat symptoms associated with bronchitis as well as cold and flu symptoms. It also has expectorant properties, making it easier to expel mucus.
- Lemongrass can help to kill bacteria that may trigger bronchitis or other respiratory illnesses. Its bright scent can also help invigorate the mind and body.
- The lavender essential oil has a wide range of benefits to human health. It can help relax the mind and body for a more restful sleep, and help reduce the coughs associated with bronchitis by relaxing airways.
Acupuncture for bronchitis – traditional Chinese natural treatment for bronchitis
Acupuncture for bronchitis is one of the most effective forms of natural treatment for bronchitis that causes no side effects. Studies have confirmed that acupuncture for bronchitis can reduce the inflammatory damage of bronchial mucosa by reducing the expression levels of serum interleukin and tumor necrosis factor at the same time, it can increase serum levels, enhance the body’s ability to fight inflammatory response, and improve immune function.
Breathing exercises for bronchitis – an essential part of any natural treatment for bronchitis
Breathing exercises for bronchitis have many benefits to help relieve symptoms of bronchitis. During breathing exercises for bronchitis, the muscles need more oxygen. This increases the demand on the lungs to take in air, and the heart to circulate blood.
Muscles become stronger and more efficient with regular exercise, decreasing the amount of oxygen required for physical exertion. When lung tissues are inflamed, the airways narrow and fill with mucus. This reduces oxygen intake during inhalation and carbon dioxide output during exhalation.
Listed below are breathing exercises for bronchitis
Deep breathing
- Deep breathing is a breathing exercise for bronchitis that helps prevents air from getting trapped in your lungs, which can cause you to feel short of breath. As a result, you can breathe in more fresh air.
Coordinated breathing
- Feeling short of breath can cause anxiety that makes you hold your breath. To prevent this from occurring, you can practice coordinated breathing using these two steps: Inhale through your nose before beginning an exercise. While pursuing your lips, breathe out through your mouth during the most strenuous part of the exercise. An example could be when curling upward on a bicep curl.
- Yoga includes some breathing exercises for bronchitis that helps the phlegm to travel upwards. Yoga cleans the respiratory tract and improves lung capacity. Pranayama is a type of yoga pose that is greatly used in treating bronchitis for the muscles to relax and to stay at a comfort level. Deep breathing pranayama helps the muscles to obtain fresh air and relax.
Herbs for bronchitis – most popular home-based natural treatment for bronchitis
Many herbs have been proven to help relieve the symptoms of bronchitis. Herbs for bronchitis are representing another approach to the natural treatment for bronchitis that causes no side effects rather they are very effective in the treatment of bronchitis. Listed below are natural bronchitis remedies prepared from herbs:
Ginger is one of the herbs for bronchitis that contains anti-inflammatory effect against respiratory infection. You can take ginger in several ways:
- Chew dried, crystallized ginger.
- Use fresh ginger to make tea.
- Eat it raw or add it to food.
- Garlic is said to have countless healing properties. Garlic effectively inhibited the growth of the infectious bronchitis virus. This finding suggests garlic can be used as a natural remedy for bronchitis.
- Turmeric is a spice often used in East Indian foods. Turmeric is a herb for bronchitis that provides more anti-inflammatory effects than ginger. Turmeric also increases antioxidant activity. That means it may help reduce irritation and boost your immunity.
Homeopathic Treatment of Bronchitis
Homeopathy provides a great relief to the discomfort caused by bronchitis, and it is safer because it is a natural treatment technique. This treatment involves the improvement of the body’s immune system to be able to adapt and fight infections without the use of antibiotics.
Homeopathic medicine helps in reducing the length of an acute bronchitis attack and toxicity. This is achieved by administering homeopathic drugs that must be taken to prescription. Chronic bronchitis also can be tamed with the right homeopathic drug, and it can also help smokers quits smoking.
Homeopathic treatment is safe and has no side effects. It also prevents other complication that is related to bronchitis such as respiratory failure, pneumonia, heart failure, etc. The treatment can be administered to any patient of any age bracket making it the perfect treatment.
Here are some common treatments for these respiratory illnesses:
- Cactus Grandiflorus– for the treatment of shortness of breath and chest discomfort clearing out all cardiac infection
- Sambucus Nigra – for the treatment of babies and children with asthma.
- Lachesis – to treat attacks that come up when asleep or early in the morning.
- Kalium Bichromicum – helps in the reduction in the excessive secretion of mucus.
- Antimonium Tartaricum – treats Symptoms such as shortness of breath, spasmodic coughing, asphyxiation, and difficulty breathing.
- Kalium Carbonica – addresses attacks triggered by emotional stress.
- Phosphorus – treats asthma caused by the sudden change in weather temperature.
- Caladium – treats asthma caused by smoking.
- Squilla – treats asthma characterized by involuntary urination.
- Bryonia – gives pains in the chest caused by coughs.
- Ignatia – calms nervous bronchial asthma.
- Moschus – treats asthma caused by nervousness accompanied by dyspnoea.
- Mercurius Solubilis – relieves night attacks of breathlessness.
- Pertussin – treats symptoms of whooping cough.
- Sulfur – recommended when this disease accompanied by gout.
- Cuprum Metallicum – treats this illness in cases when it leaves the patient suffocating and unconscious.
- Ipecacuanha – relieves the nauseating feeling that comes with a dry, spasmodic cough.
- Thuja – recommended asthma triggered by vaccination.
natural treatment for bronchitis
- Avoid artificial colors or chemicals in food.
- Wash fruits and vegetables to be eaten very well and with hydrogen peroxide if available.
- Avoid foods rich in saturated fats.
- Avoid frequent exposure to allergens.
- Stick to a gluten-free diet.
- Eat natural things such as leafy, dark green vegetables, legumes, seeds, and whole grains.
- Drink plenty of fluids especially water.
- Stop smoking if you do and avoid secondary smoking
Bronchitis is a serious disease and requires professional attention. However, if this illness is taken in control at the earlier stages in many cases, a complete cure is expected.
Usually, Dr. Tsan at the Philadelphia Homeopathic clinic treats respiratory ailments with the combination of acupuncture and homeopathic medicines thoroughly selected based on the homeopathic constitution of each particular patient.
To discuss your best treatment options contact Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic to make an appointment with Victor Tsan, MD
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