Natural Treatment for Migraines

Treatment for migraines has a very low success rate. This fact is easy to explain considering the polymorphism of this medical condition. Migraines are not always predictable, but environmental, emotional, and physical factors can trigger them. Therefore, they can be treated and minimized by paying attention to these things. It can be helpful to keep a journal of your migraines to better understand when they occur, to identify possible triggers.

Birth control pills, medications, dietary factors, caffeine, and tobacco are known to increase ocular migraine rates, a type of migraine. It may be beneficial to speak to your doctor about changing your diet, medication, and quitting smoking and caffeine to prevent possible eye migraines. Acupuncture, massage, and relaxation techniques are treatments for ocular migraines that help minimize the symptoms by relieving stress and improving blood circulation.

Migraine Treatment

Eating healthy, balanced meals, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and drinking plenty of water is also a treatment for ocular migraines that can help. Natural supplements can help prevent ocular migraines and can be discussed with your doctor.

If you have ocular migraines, it is important to pay attention to your body’s signals and stay as balanced as possible to minimize these events. Your doctor can help you develop a strategy to improve your health and the severity and frequency of ocular migraines.

What is a migraine

Migraine is classified as a pulsating or throbbing pain on one side of the head. This form of headaches are often associated with vomiting or nausea as well as sensitivity to light, sounds, and smells. Some people experience bouts of depression. Most attacks are often reoccurring and tend to become less severe as the migraines sufferer begins to age.

Migraine headaches can be classified by the symptoms. There are two common migraines: one with aura and one without aura. The less common types of migraines include the following: Basilar, Hemiplegic, abdominal migraines, Ophthalmoplegic Migraine, ocular or retina migraine, and status migraines. Most women experience migraine headaches just right before or during a menstrual cycle. This can be related to hormonal changes and often do not occur during pregnancy. Although other women can develop migraines for the first time during pregnancy or after menopause begins.

Migraines affect about 20 million people in the United States. They can occur at any age but usually between the ages of 10 and 40 and they tend to diminish after the age of 50. Some people experience several painful migraines a month and some people can only have a few migraines their entire lifetime. Additionally, 75% of migraines sufferers are women.

Though migraines are not entirely understood by the medical community it is widely accepted that they occur due to a drop in the level of serotonin in the blood. This leads to a dilation of the blood vessels within the head and causes them to expand. The expansion of the blood vessels is the reason for the throbbing headache sufferer’s experience.

Types of Migraine

There are several different types of migraines. The most common are the abdominal, basilar, complicated, cyclic, hemiplegic, nocturnal, ophthalmologic, and ocular migraine.

Abdominal migraine

This type of headache is also referred to as “periodic syndrome”. Children with a family history of types of migraines are the ones most often diagnosed with this variant. Moderate abdominal pain is the most common characteristic. The pain can last between one and 72 hours.

Basilar migraine

Most common in young adults, this variant of the types of migraine is associated with a visual aura. Dizziness, confusion, and hearing changes are symptoms.

Cyclic migraine

Chronic, recurring types of migraines are characterized as cyclic. To obtain this diagnosis, more than 10 headaches a month must be recorded.

Hemiplegic migraine

Physical partial paralysis is common with a hemiplegic diagnosis. The paralysis most often affects one side of the body. The physical symptoms most often disappear when the headache subsides.

Ophthalmoplegic Migraine

This form of migraine should be differentiated from ocular migraines. One of the rarest diagnosis, Ophthalmoplegic Migraine. Patients that sufferer from this condition report that the symptoms and pain are centered around the eye. Patients suffering from pressure on eye nerves may be misdiagnosed with ophthalmoplegic headaches.

Ocular migraine

This form of migraine is very rare. It involves seeing colors, flashing lights, or other visual changes, including the loss of some or all vision in one eye. The visual loss should last less than an hour and be followed by a typical migraine headache. However, other serious conditions can cause sudden loss of vision in one eye, so go to a doctor right away if you have vision changes.

The symptoms of ocular migraine usually appear in both eyes, listed below are ocular migraine symptoms:

  • Seeing temporary flashes of stars, zigzag lines, or other patterns
  • A bright or blind spot that starts in the center of vision and spreads to cover up to half of the visual field
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Tingling or numbness on one side of the body
  • Intense pain, which may be pulsating or throbbing, in one or both sides of the head

Note: Ocular migraine symptoms vary among individuals.

Pregnancy Induced migraine

While 80% of sufferers stop having pain while they are pregnant, this is not always the case. During pregnancy, prescription medications are not allowed so alternative therapies are common.

Migraine symptoms

Migraine symptoms are different for everyone. In many people, they appear gradually.

Symptoms of migraine

These headache migraine symptoms can include:


A few hours or days before a headache, around 60% of people with migraines notice symptoms such as:

  • Sensitivity to light, sounds, or smells
  • Cravings or loss of appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Strong thirst
  • Bloating
  • Constipation or diarrhea


These Migraine symptoms originate in your nervous system and often affect your eyesight. They usually start gradually over 5 to 20 minutes and last less than an hour.

  • Seeing black dots, wavy lines, flashes of light, or things that are not there (hallucinations)
  • Have tunnel vision
  • Have tingling or numbness on one side of your body
  • Can’t speak clearly
  • Have a feeling of heaviness in your arms and legs
  • Got a ringing in your ears
  • Notice the changes in smell, taste, or touch


This is another migraine symptoms which often starts with a dull ache and turns into throbbing pain. It usually gets worse with physical activity. The pain can move from one side of your head to the other, be in front of your head, or affect your entire head.


This stage can last up to a day after a headache. This headache migraine symptoms include:

  • Feeling tired, wiped out, or cranky
  • Feeling unusually refreshed or happy
  • Muscle pain or weakness
  • Food cravings or lack of appetite

Causes of migraines

Back in the 1940s, scientists believed that migraine-headaches were triggered by an initial spasm that partially closed the arteries leading to the cerebrum. This, they believed, caused a decrease in the blood flow to part of the brain, hence the sudden headache and severe pain.

Symptoms and Triggers of Migraine

In the 1970s, it was researched and believed that dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters in the brain, had a significant effect on blood flow to the brain, hence causing pain as a result of the irregular flow.

What are the causes of migraine Headaches? Listed below are migraine causes

  • Foods like chocolate, cheese, nuts, and caffeine are some of the causes of migraine Using MSG in food can also trigger an attack.
  • Severe lack of sleep can cause a migraine to come on in many people. The same also goes for too much sleep.
  • People with illnesses like depression, epilepsy, anxiety, and Tourette syndrome get migraine-headaches quite frequently. Any condition that induces large amounts of stress can cause migraine headaches to occur.
  • Missing a meal or suddenly changing an eating pattern can cause migraine-headaches to attack. Any change in your eating pattern should be phased in slowly as opposed to being introduced abruptly.
  • Many people have reported that taking contraceptives causes migraines.
  • Smoking or inhalation of second-hand cigarette smoke can be what causes migraine headaches in some people.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol can instantly trigger a headache migraine which can last for an hour.

Migraine triggers

Note: Migraine causes vary from person to person so it’s important to consider all the possibilities when you go to self-diagnose. In some cases, you may just need to adjust your environment and take out certain things like bright fluorescent lights or anything that smells strongly. If all else fails you might want to look into using an over-the-counter remedy like a supplement or medicine that might help replenish the body and get you feeling better as soon as possible.

Natural Treatment for migraines

Medication is an obvious choice when it comes to the treatment of migraines, but too much medication can mess with your body and mind and there always comes a time when your body acquires tolerance to the drug, which in turn means you have to up the dose. That isn’t a long term sustainable solution.

Natural treatment

However, natural Treatment for migraines has been proven to be more effective with no side effect in the treatment of migraine symptoms. Listed below are different forms of natural Treatment for migraines:

Home remedies for migraines.

To relieve your migraine and increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment you can try the following home remedies for migraines: drink more water and caffeine, try fish and peppermint oil, magnesium, CoEnzymeQ10, B2, and hot and cold compress. Also, many medicinal herbs may relieve the migraine attack. 

Medicinal herbs

Actually, the fewer medicines you take the better.

Wet ice towels home-based natural treatment for migraines

The use of wet ice towels is a home remedy for migraines which has helped a lot. Soak a towel in a bucket of ice water and then apply around the skull. The cold alleviates pain and helps you feel better instantly.

Massage – effective natural treatment for migraines

Massage is one of the natural treatments for migraines particularly if triggered by stress. Many cultures around the world have used massages and ‘physical healing’ to help cure several ailments. For migraine attacks, neck and head massages are the best. This natural treatment for migraines can be combined with using herbal oils for extra effect.

Massage for headaches

Homeopathy for migraines – #1 natural treatment for migraines

Homeopathy is a powerful but gentle complete modality of natural health care. It works by searching for the original cause of the migraines, whether this occurred yesterday or 20 years ago. It’s of no consequence.

Once this is discovered, then the most appropriate treatment can be worked out, based on your symptom picture, or collection of personal symptoms. Listed below are homeopathy remedies for migraines


  • This natural treatment for migraine relieves headaches with the feeling of head fullness and sensitivity to noise and light.


  • This homeopathic remedy for migraine can be helpful if a person has a heavy or “splitting” headache, with steady pain that settles over one eye (especially the left) or spreads to the entire head. Pain is worse from any motion, even from moving the eyes, and the person wants to lie completely still and not be talked to or disturbed. Nausea with a heavy feeling in the stomach and vomiting may occur. The person can have a very dry mouth and usually is thirsty.


  • This homeopathy remedy for migraine relieves congestive headaches at the base of the head, as well as headaches around the eye, caused or aggravated by stress.


  • This natural treatment for migraine relieves sudden headaches, with the fullness of the head and feeling of heat, and aggravated by heat.

Acupuncture for migraines – one of the most effective ancient Chinese natural treatment for migraines

Based on a recent systematic review involving about 2000 people, there is evidence that acupuncture for migraine reduces the frequency of headache in individuals with migraine, and that the outcome may be comparable to that detected with preventive medicines. The occurrence of headaches is decreased by 50% or more in up to 59% of patients being treated with acupuncture for migraines and it was proved that this result can last for more than 6 months.


The benefits of acupuncture for migraines:

  • Acupuncture for migraines helps to restore the flow of positive energy through your body.
  • Migraine acupuncture also removes the negative energy that is causing you pain. From a modern medical perspective, migraine acupuncture stimulates various systems in your body.
  • Acupuncture divides your body into several areas and pressure points. Acupuncture needles are inserted into different pressure points depending on your symptoms. These needle tips are usually located near the nerves in your body. The properly inserted needle is stimulating the tips of the nerves to manufacture and release special hormones, such as endorphins. These hormones will trigger a proper healing response in your body. This stimulation of the immune system and circulatory system is what acupuncture advocates claim to provide relief from migraines and tension headaches.
  • Many patients experience side effects from the use of medications recommended by their physician to prevent episodes of headaches or migraines, and that makes acupuncture a good alternative to pharmaceutical drugs.

Acupuncture is an art and at the same time a science and it takes a lot of time and effort to master. If you are looking for an acupuncturist with formal qualification and clinical experience in the treatment of migraines type into your search box on google: acupuncture for migraines near me and review each acupuncturist to pick the best.

When Western, allopathic medicine hasn’t helped relieve your migraine headache, many patients are willing to discover other methods of healing. Acupuncture is a healing art that was developed in China approximately 4000 years ago, alleviating pain while balancing Ying and Yong energy in 14 major meridians. Based on the ancient Chinese science of five elements (wood, metal, fire, earth, air), there are 14 passages aka meridians or canals along the body that allow, energy to flow. If for whatever reason there is a disturbance of the amount and quality of major Ying and Yong energies flow through the meridians, pain and ailment can arise. While there is a sufficient variety of clinical trials and research, acupuncture has a lot of positive reviews in the migraine community.

Acupuncture for migraines

Acupuncture for migraines is the method that can alleviate and treat the causes that lead to the appearance of pain. Migraines are a specific and most severe form of headaches that usually accompanied by nausea, vision disturbance, sometimes vomiting, and even episodes of loss of consciousness.

Those that suffer from headaches and migraines have a pretty hard life fighting with pain sometimes 24/7. That’s why migraines can seriously alter an individual’s daily routine and transform it into a series of terrible moments. Moreover, even from ancient times, acupuncture for headaches was used as an alternative medicine practice for dealing with headaches, neck, and back pains.

Why Acupuncture for migraines works?

This traditional Chinese treatment for migraines is all about inserting needles along with a patient’s head, ears, chest, legs, feet, hands, arms, and shoulders in order to relieve both tension and pain. This natural remedy for migraines allows the inner energy to regain its balance and to flow freely. There are various studies that prove the benefic impact of this treatment on the patients that suffer from this medical disorder. By regularly practicing this natural remedy for migraines the patient experiences a diminish of the frequency with which the headaches occur. Moreover, the intensity of the pain is decreased, which allows the body to regain its strength and to heal. It was observed that acupuncture for headaches and migraines has a beneficial impact long after the sessions stopped. This means that even though the headaches reappeared in some cases, they were milder and easier to deal with. Furthermore, almost all patients stated that the medication did not offer the same relief as it happened after a couple of acupuncture for migraines sessions.

In modern medicine practice migraines considered the most common and recurrent type of pain worldwide. Well, this pain can range from moderate to severe and can last from 4 to more than 72 hours. Migraines represent a severe discomfort that can have a negative impact on an individual’s life. Moreover, patients who suffer from this severe pain experience a feeling of powerlessness regarding their ability to control their own lives.

Acupuncture for migraines vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs

Migraines are considered a serious disorder that must be dealt with carefully. Hence, this is the main reason why there have been done various studies on how acupuncture for headaches and migraines influences the symptoms. It was established that home remedies for migraines are often more helpful than the prescribed medicine due to the fact that it has the power to prevent the reappearance of a severe episode. Also, acupuncture for migraines is considered as an aid for patients because it acts as a coping mechanism that offers a soothing feeling of comfort. Acupuncture for migraine headaches is so helpful because it focuses on stimulating nerves and endorphins’ production. This natural treatment for migraines allows the brain to deal with the pain and eventually diminish its power. Acupuncture for migraines reduces inflammation and improves the blood flow in the brain. This is helpful in the case of migraines because it aids the body to fight against the tension resented. Furthermore, by promoting the blood flow in the brain, the production of serotonin is diminished. This substance is often associated with the appearance of migraines.


  1. Acupuncture has been recognized to decrease the severity of migraine pain. This is the main reason why acupuncture for migraines is so popular. A few thousand clinical trials have revealed that acupuncture treatments can successfully reduce the severity of pain and the frequency of episodes of migraines. 2.   Acupuncture diminishes inflammation. While the mechanism and pathology of migraines are not completely researched, it is approved by most medical experts that any headache encompasses some sort of inflammatory reaction by a body. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphin and scopolamine – major vascular and immune-mediating factors that reduce inflammation.
  2. Acupuncture can diminish the level of serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone of happiness that the body fabricates internally. However, many scientists, researchers, and neurophysiologists are certain of the ability of serotonin to trigger migraines. 4.   Acupuncture can relieve the major symptoms of migraines. Acupuncture and Chinese medicinal herbs can heal much more than pain syndrome. Research outcomes have shown that symptoms that normally associated with migraine headaches such as nausea, vomiting, vertigo can also be relieved through the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine techniques. Herbal medicines commonly used next to acupuncture procedures to keep the pain under control.
  3. Acupuncture recovers blood circulation from blockages. Very often the migraine pain is due to a lack of proper blood circulation and thus deficit of oxygen delivered to the brain tissues. For the purposes of improvement and balance of blood supply dry and wet cupping procedures in the areas around the head, neck and shoulders are one more effective TCM modality.

Natural treatment for migraines in Philadelphia

Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic directed by the medical doctor Victor Tsan is the #1 acupuncture facility in the City of Brotherly Love and vicinities. While our clinic is a department of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic all holistic techniques available for our patients under one roof. Dr. Tsan will propose the best-individualized treatment plan specifically customized for your condition.

At Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic Dr. Tsan, a specialist in homeopathic medicine usually combines acupuncture for migraines treatment with natural remedies to migraines such as homeopathic remedies for migrainesherbs for migraines, and essential oils for headache which increase the effectiveness of the acupuncture treatment by 60-70 percent. Both acupuncture for migraines and natural remedies to migraines focus on the inner energy flow. By combining both practices, the patient will benefit from physical, mental, and emotional relief. In other words, those two practices complete each other and lead to greater healing power.

Each patient in our clinic getting a customized treatment rather than an average protocol. That’s why we have the highest success rate in the industry.

Contact our clinic to schedule your appointment either with a licensed acupuncturist or with Victor Tsan, MD for evaluation and treatment
