Natural Treatment for Hives

Treatment for hives is complicated and in the majority of cases unsuccessful. The use of anti-histamine drugs definitely helps to relieve the itch, but this is only a short-termed and palliative treatment outcome. As soon as the activity of Zyrtec or Benadryl ends, skin itch comes back with even more severity. Urticarial, the medical term for hives is red bumps and itchy rashes that appear on the skin in varying shapes and sizes. They range in size from a few millimeters to several inches in diameter. Hives can be round, or they can form rings or large patches. Wheals (welts), red lesions with a red “flare” at the borders, are another manifestation of hives. Hives can occur anywhere on the body, such as the trunk, arms, and legs. Treatment for urticaria is important because this condition is stubborn and causes a lot of discomforts.

Treatment for hives

Skin allergy treatment

There are different types of skin allergy treatment. To identify the right treatment for skin allergy, some of these common approaches can be employed. 


  • Antihistamine creams is a skin allergy treatment that can help to relieve redness and itching of the skin caused by contact dermatitis. It also doubles up as a sedative and therefore, using them at night will ensure good rest. Oral forms of antihistamines, though available in the market, can potentially block your immune system. Thus, the use of antihistamines is one of the most common approaches to the traditional treatment of urticaria.

Steroids (prednisone, hydrocortisone, triamcinolone)

  • This traditional treatment of urticaria may be used in a form of topical creams or dispensed in pills form and can be beneficial in adults and children over 12 years. This medication treatment can also effectively address issues related to hay fever and other forms of skin allergies. For skin allergies, this holds out as a successful treatment. Symptoms such as itchy and red skin with raised patches can be quickly relieved. This form of treatment for hay fever is popular amongst allopathic physicians. However, most patients don’t like to use the excess of antibiotics and steroids and call for naturopathic and home remedies for hives

What you need to know about skin allergies, hives, and urticaria.

Hives are the body’s response to allergens. They generally look like a rash or like welts on the skin and appear after exposure to an allergen to which the body is susceptible. Common allergens that cause hives include fish, milk products, nuts, food additives, flavorings, preservatives, penicillin, and aspirin. Stress, temperature extremes, pressure on the skin, and insect bites can also cause hives to appear.

Hives result from dilation of capillaries allowing fluid to leak out into the surrounding tissue, the epidermis. They resolve when the body absorbs this fluid. The border of a hive is described as polycyclic or made up of many circles, and changes as fluid leaks out and then is absorbed. Pressing on a hive causes the skin to blanch distinguishing it from a bruise or papule.

Hives appear and disappear intermittently and apart from the ugliness of the lesions that appear on your skin as a symptom, the itchiness is what most sufferers want to get rid of first. It can be uncomfortable especially in humid conditions. There are various natural treatments for hives; this is preferred over western options because it eliminates the side effects, such as drowsiness, that is often bundled with such treatment. You don’t want the itching only to stop so you can sleep, you want to eliminate it and carry on with your life.

For most hives outbreak, all you need might just be a warm shower for about 15 minutes to naturally release histamine which is very effective in managing or relieving itchiness. The warm water could also act as a purging agent to kill or remove the causative organisms.

Another natural treatment for hives is applying home-made masks and clay lotions on the infected area of the skin to dry up the hives. Calamine lotions are effective but should that not be handy, you could run to the kitchen for other natural relief. Below are other natural treatments for hives.

What is a skin allergy?

Are you experiencing skin rash that itches, bumpy skin, redness of the skin? If you feel any of these symptoms, you probably have a skin allergy.

A skin allergy is a reaction caused by a substance that comes in contact with the skin. The major symptom of skin allergy are hives, rashes, swelling, itching which may include one or more physical signs like dry skin and it results in cracking of the skin. The hands, face, arms, and neck are the common areas affected by skin allergies as are exposed usually every day.

Red, bumpy, skin allergy rash can be irritating, painful, and embarrassing. Skin allergy rash can be caused by many things, including exposure to certain plants (poison ivy, for example), allergic reactions to a medication or food. Skin allergy rash can also be caused by an illness such as measles or chickenpox. Eczema and hives, both of which are related to allergies, are skin rash types and two of the most common types of skin rashes. If your skin condition is the result of an allergy, an allergist can diagnose and treat your condition, so you can live life to the fullest.

What are the different types of hives?

Urticarial can be divided into two categories depending on how long it lasts: acute urticarial (common urticarial that goes away after six to eight weeks) and chronic urticarial (that lasts longer than six to eight weeks). Because hives are so common, and acute urticarial by definition goes away on its own, doctors typically don’t spend much time or expense assessing the cause of hives that are less than eight weeks old.

The signs and symptoms of Hives

  • Hives are red bumps and itchy rashes that appear on the skin. These welts are similar to insect bites except that they will often appear in clusters.
  • They can also be small or pretty big up to 4 inches in diameter resembling a case of ringworm (white center with a red ring around it).
  • Hives can also appear very small so that a cluster may resemble a single large welt. In severe cases, this skin condition can be huge (can cover your entire arm or leg at times) reddish, swelling patches.

Symptoms of hives

Hives present themselves differently in each individual and the duration of the outbreak can also vary from person to person. It is not uncommon for people with hives to have a breakout lasting over a year. The good news is that in most cases hives will last no longer than 24 hours. Hives usually last from several minutes to a couple of hours but some individuals suffer from chronic hives. So if your hives last for more than a day you need to see your doctor right away.

Causes of Hives

  • Bacteria, fungi as well as chemicals that your skin may come in contact with are some of the causes of hives. Another factor that would make your skin more sensitive to these substances is a scratch. Getting a scratch on your skin would allow a hive outbreak to appear.
  • Hives are very itchy which makes scratching extremely difficult to avoid. Once you start scratching the affected area it will only make your problem much worse.
  • Allergies are also other common triggers of hives. An allergic reaction to certain foods, chemicals, food preservatives, and animal dander can trigger an outbreak. It is recommended that you consult your doctor to find out if food allergies are possible causative factors of your hives. Extreme temperature and even stress can also trigger hives.

Causes of Hives

Note: Hives are an allergic skin reaction during which certain cells release histamine and other inflammatory chemicals. These chemicals cause small blood vessels in the area to leak and this causes the raised patches of skin which is somewhat circular.

Natural remedies for hives

So, once you have determined what are the causes of hives for your outbreaks avoid the trigger in question. You can also try using natural remedies for hives available to help alleviate the irritating and burning sensation brought about by this skin condition.

This skin condition can be easily and effectively treated with natural remedies. There are many kinds of natural remedies for hives available and some of them are discussed below.

Home remedies for hives – most popular natural treatment for hives

There are home remedies for hives that can be effective in the treatment of hay fever. Listed below are home remedies for skin allergy

Oatmeal bath

  • Oatmeal bath is one of the home treatments for hives because the anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal can soothe hives, as long as you are not allergic to any component of oatmeal. Add up to one-and-a-half cups of colloidal oatmeal to a bath, making sure the water is not too hot. Too much heat can trigger hives and make treatment ineffective. Soak in the oatmeal bath for no more than 15 minutes, and avoid scratching your skin with the towel when drying off.

Aloe Vera

  • With anti-inflammatory properties, aloe Vera is a common home remedy for hives used to treat sunburn, but it can also be effective in soothing hives. Double-check to make sure that you’re not allergic to aloe Vera before applying it to your skin. Rub aloe Vera on the affected area a few times per day.

Cold compress

  • Because hives can be caused or worsened by heat, applying a cold compress to hives for up to 10 minutes can relieve irritation. Wrap ice in a towel or soft cloth and apply to your skin. For an ice pack that conforms to your body, consider wrapping a bag of frozen vegetables for application to your skin. Cold compress is one of the best home Treatment for hives

Calamine lotion

  • Calamine lotion is a common home remedy for hives used to relieve itching for skin reactions such as poison ivy or poison oak. It can also treat hives. If you’re not allergic to calamine, use a pad or cloth to apply calamine lotion to your skin.

Homeopathic remedies for hives – #1 natural treatment for hives

Homeopathy for hives is a natural remedy for hives that can offer the most definitive treatment for Urticarial.

Homeopathic remedies for Urticaria

Listed below are homeopathic remedies for hives

Apis Mellifica:

  • This homeopathic remedy for hives is ideal for patients with urticarial that is made up of isolated spots that are painful, tender, itchy at night, feel like bee stings, and turn purple. There is burning pain, a slight fever, and warmth from the surrounding skin. It is made worse by the change in weather and exercise and causes severe itching and burning. The patient may already have asthma.

Arsenic album:

  • Arsenic is homeopathic for hives medicine and a natural remedy for hives that is useful for treating the symptoms of hives during lesion recession. The person can also be emotionally unstable, with depression, hopelessness, indifference, and irritability. When the lesions are more severe, the excitement is severe too. It’s worse after midnight, 1 am to 2 am.

Rhus Toxicodendron:

  • A Rhus made from the leaves and bark of poison ivy. Rhus acts on multiple body systems including the skin, joints, eyes, extremities, and general vitality. Besides, this is homeopathic for hives medicine which is also used for cellulitis, arthritis, fever, etc. It is an effective natural treatment for hives when the hives have a burning sensation, and an inflamed red rash made worse by cold and improved by heat.

Urtica Urens:

  • This homeopathic remedy for hives is made from a plant called nettle, which itself tends to develop hives, is used for hives caused by bee stings or after eating shellfish. The lesions are red with severe burning and itching that occurs every year and may be linked to climate change.

Natrum Muriaticum:

  • The table salt sodium chloride is potentiated and its inner healing power is activated. This natural treatment for hives is used for chronic urticaria, where lesions develop after severe irritation.


  • This homeopathic for hives medicine develops a general tingling sensation on weaning and at night when it is cold and damp. Hives are irregular white spots surrounded by a red area that is very itchy. Urticaria is associated with violent cough, swelling of the lymph nodes, fever, restlessness, insomnia, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, bitter taste, and severe pain in the pit of the stomach.

Acupuncture for hives – oriental natural treatment for hives

Acupuncture is a natural treatment for hives that has long been used in the Asian world. Acute urticaria can be easily and effectively treated with acupuncture for hives. LI11 (Quchi), Sp10 (Xuehai), Sp6 (Sanyinjiao), and S36 (Zusanli) are the 4 acupuncture points most commonly prescribed.

Common Acupuncture for hives points

While much different acupuncture for hives points can be used depending on your specific symptoms and the state of your overall health, here are some acupuncture for hives points that are commonly used to treat hives:

Spleen 10

  • (SP 10) is located two finger breadths above the top inner corner of the kneecap when the knee is slightly bent. It is on the bulge of the medial portion of the muscle quadriceps femoris. This point is one of the major points on the body for skin conditions, including eczema and hives.

Acupuncture for hay fever

Large Intestine 11

  • (LI 11) can be found in the depression at the outer part of the elbow crease, between the elbow tendon and the bone. The point is best located when the arm is bent at 90 degrees with the palm facing the abdomen. This point helps clear expel wind and heat from the body and reduces inflammation.

Acupuncture for Urticaria

Conclusion on natural treatment for hives

Since allopathic medicine has no answer to hives use of natural remedies for hives becomes more appropriate. Natural treatment for hives proved to be effective and safe. Opposite to pharmaceutical drugs natural treatment of urticaria causes no drowsiness and can be used for a long period of time.

For your initial visit contact us at (267) 284/3085 and schedule your appointment for holistic evaluation and treatment
