Acupuncture for migraines is the method that can alleviate and treat the causes that lead to the appearance of pain. Migraines are a specific and most severe form of headaches that usually accompanied by nausea, vision disturbance, sometimes vomiting, and even episodes of loss of consciousness.
Those that suffer from headaches and migraines have a pretty hard life fighting with pain sometimes 24/7. That’s why migraines can seriously alter an individual’s daily routine and transform it into a series of terrible moments. Moreover, even from ancient times, acupuncture for headaches was used as an alternative medicine practice for dealing with headaches, neck and back pains.
Why Acupuncture for migraines works?
This traditional Chinese treatment for migraines is all about inserting needles along with a patient’s head, ears, chest, legs, feet, hands, arms, and shoulders in order to relieve both tension and pain. This natural remedy for migraines allows the inner energy to regain its balance and to flow freely. There are various studies that prove the benefic impact of this treatment on the patients that suffer from this medical disorder. By regularly practicing this natural remedy for migraines the patient experiences a diminish of the frequency with which the headaches occur. Moreover, the intensity of the pain is decreased, which allows the body to regain its strength and to heal. It was observed that acupuncture for headaches and migraines has a beneficial impact long after the sessions stopped. This means that even though the headaches reappeared in some cases, they were milder and easier to deal with. Furthermore, almost all patients stated that the medication did not offer the same relief as it happened after a couple of acupuncture for migraines sessions.
Acupuncture for Migraines is #1 on the list of home remedies for migraines
In modern medicine practice migraines considered the most common and recurrent type of pain worldwide. Well, this pain can range from moderate to severe and can last from 4 to more than 72 hours. Migraines represent a severe discomfort that can have a negative impact on an individual’s life. Moreover, patients who suffer from this severe pain experience a feeling of powerlessness regarding their ability to control their own lives.
Acupuncture for migraines vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs
Migraines are considered a serious disorder that must be dealt with carefully. Hence, this is the main reason why there have been done various studies on how acupuncture for headaches and migraines influences the symptoms. It was established that home remedies for migraines are often more helpful than the prescribed medicine due to the fact that it has the power to prevent the reappearance of a severe episode. Also, acupuncture for migraines is considered as an aid for patients because it acts as a coping mechanism that offers a soothing feeling of comfort. Acupuncture for migraine headaches is so helpful because it focuses on stimulating nerves and endorphins’ production. This natural treatment for migraines allows the brain to deal with the pain and eventually diminish its power. Acupuncture for migraines reduces inflammation and improves the blood flow in the brain. This is helpful in the case of migraines because it aids the body to fight against the tension resented. Furthermore, by promoting the blood flow in the brain, the production of serotonin is diminished. This substance is often associated with the appearance of migraines.
Home remedies for migraines.
To relieve your migraine and increase the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment you can try the following home remedies for migraines: drink more water and caffeine, try fish and peppermint oil, magnesium, CoEnzymeQ10, B2, and hot and cold compress.
Actually, the fewer medicines you take the better.
Acupuncture for migraines by Dr. Tsan
At Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic Dr. Tsan, a specialist in homeopathic medicine usually combines acupuncture for migraines treatment with natural remedies to migraines such as homeopathic remedies for migraines, herbs for migraines and essential oils for headache which increase the effectiveness of the acupuncture treatment by 60-70 percent. Both acupuncture for migraines and natural remedies to migraines focus on the inner energy flow. By combining both practices, the patient will benefit from physical, mental and emotional relief. In other words, those two practices complete each other and lead to greater healing power.
To book an appointment for an initial FREE consultation at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic click here
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