Treatment for Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Treatment for prostate enlargement is important and challenging. Have you ever wondered why your doctor is so interested in putting on a glove and sticking his finger in your anus? This is because prostate problems are almost inevitable as a man is aging.

There are many treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia, but one of the most effective is prostate massage, which is achieved by inserting a finger into the anus and gently massaging the swollen gland. Not all patients are comfortable with this treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, and it can be difficult for those seeking it to see a therapist frequently enough to get the full benefit from the treatment.

Treatment for Prostate Enlargement

Another treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia can begin with personal hygiene. If symptoms do not go away with personal hygiene, medication or surgery may be recommended. If you don’t want to do medication or surgery, natural remedies for BPH have also proven effective.

The good news is that there are natural treatments for BPH.

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?

BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), or prostate enlargement, is a common condition in men over the age of 50. In this condition, the prostate gland swells and is tender for several non-malignant reasons.

The prostate is located on the urethra in the lower abdomen and its main function is to produce fluids to move semen out of the body and to produce certain types of hormones. When the prostate enlarges, it obstructs the flow of urine from the bladder through the urethra, which slows down the passage of urine.


People with this condition often feel that they cannot empty their bladder, resulting in a feeling of persistent discomfort. Other sensations include a burning sensation when urinating, discomfort between the bladder and anus, and difficulty getting and maintaining an erection.

Symptoms of BPH

Symptoms of BPH are often very mild in the beginning but become more severe if left untreated. Common symptoms are:

  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Dribble at the end of your urine stream
  • Incontinence or urine leakage
  • The need to strain yourself when urinating
  • A weak stream of urine
  • A sudden need to urinate
  • Slowed or delayed flow of urine
  • Painful urination
  • Blood in the urine

Talk to your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. They are treatable and often can help prevent complications.

Causes of BPH

BPH is considered a normal condition as men age, and many men over 50 experience symptoms of BPH. Although the exact cause is unknown, changes in male sex hormones that are associated with aging may be a factor. Any family history of prostate problems or abnormalities in your testicles can increase your risk of BPH. Men who have had their testicles removed at a young age do not develop BPH.

Natural treatment for prostate enlargement

For any form of prostate enlargement, modern drugs such as prescription drugs, surgery, and radiation therapies are used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, these treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia all have a wide range of unpleasant and dangerous side effects such as incontinence and impotence to name a few, this is why most people seek natural treatment for prostate enlargement because it has no side effects and it is also effective.

Natural Treatment for Prostate Enlargement

Listed below are different approaches to a natural treatment for BPH

Home remedies prostate enlargement

Home remedies prostate enlargement is one of the natural remedies for BPH. It is not a good idea to ignore prostate problems as some men do. If left untreated, an enlarged prostate can block the flow of urine from the bladder and lead to other complications such as urinary retention and kidney damage.

Home remedies for prostate enlargement

Here are some natural treatments for BPH that you can try as home remedies for prostate enlargement that are effective with no side effects:

Sitz bath

  • A Sitz bath is one of the popular home remedies for prostate enlargement. It’s known to be an old fashioned natural remedy for BPH that soothes an enlarged prostate. The hot bath relaxes the pelvic muscles and promotes healing. The cold bath relieves pain and reduces swelling. For this method, all you need to do is fill the tub with lukewarm water and then add half a cup of Epsom salt. And in another tub (or a large container), fill with cold water and add several drops of lavender essential oil to the tub. Now sit in the tub of hot water for about 3 minutes. Then switch to the one with cold water for 1 minute.

Stinging nettle leaves

  • Stinging nettle leaves is also one of the natural treatments for prostate enlargement and home remedies for prostate enlargement that can cause sharp and intense pain, but their extract has benefits for the prostate. The root contains essential bioactive phytochemicals that help shrink prostate tissue. As a natural diuretic, it also promotes the elimination of inflammatory waste through urination. You can have nettle as a drink by simply adding 1 teaspoon of the dried leaves to hot water. Let rest for 10 minutes, then filter. You can drink this tea mixture 2-3 times a day. Always consult your doctor before taking any supplement to determine the correct dosage for your size and condition.

Kegel exercises

  • Pelvic strengthening, or Kegel exercises, are one of the home remedies for prostate enlargement that can help alleviate some of the discomforts of an enlarged prostate as they are helpful in toning and toning certain pelvic muscles to control urination. All you need to do is empty your bladder and lie on the floor with your knees bent and knees apart. Then gently contract the pelvic floor muscles for about 5 seconds before relaxing them for 5 seconds. However, men who have chronic prostatitis or chronic pelvic pain syndrome should avoid this type of exercise.

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Apple cider vinegar is very good for your prostate. This natural treatment for BPH is raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with astringent properties that helps shrink swollen prostates. Additionally, it makes weight loss easier and helps prevent enlarged prostate complications such as urinary tract infections. For home remedies, all you need to do is mix 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink this at least twice a day. Another option with apple cider vinegar is to put about 1 cup in a tub of cold water and soak in it for about 10 minutes.

Homeopathic remedies for prostate enlargement

Homeopathic remedies for prostate enlargement are also one of the popular and effective natural treatments for prostate enlargement. Listed below are Homeopathic remedies for prostate enlargement, which serve as a natural treatment for BPH, along with the symptoms when they are used.

Baryta Carbonica:

  • This homeopathic remedy for prostate enlargement is an effective remedy for prostate enlargement, especially in the elderly. Frequent urination is the first symptom of this type of prostate enlargement. An affected patient develops an urge to urinate from time to time, and a burning sensation occurs in the urethra while urinating. Degrading changes are observed in the vascular, heart, and brain systems. Memory loss and decreased libido are observed. The patient cannot bear the cold and the feet sweat.


  • Digitalis is an ideal homeopathic remedy for BPH patients with heart problems accompanied by frequent urinary problems. This type of prostate enlargement is common in older men. The pulse rate may become irregular or abnormal, and edema is observed in the inner and outer parts. The swelling of the genital organs is also noticed.


  • This homeopathic remedy for prostate enlargement is used for enlarged prostate with dysuria. There is pain when urinating and the patient feels pressure on the bladder and the urination seems incomplete. A burning sensation in the urethra is observed when urinating and the sensation persists even after urinating.


  • Conium is another effective homeopathic remedy for BPH to cure prostate enlargement with frequent urination. This condition can occur due to an injury or a shock. Hardening and hardening of the gland are caused, and it looks like a stone. Major problems are urinating and it seems incomplete.

Sabal Serrulata:

  • This is a popular homeopathic remedy for prostate enlargement and is considered to be one of the best medicines for this condition. Symptoms include irritation of the urinary organs and an increased need to urinate at night.

Thuja Occidentalis

  • In cases of the extreme urgency of benign prostatic hyperplasia, Thuja Occidentalis is the most suitable recipe. The urine flow is small. There may be frequent urges to urinate. Burning or cutting pain may be observed when urinating. Thuja Occidentalis is one of the natural treatments for prostate enlargement that can be used to effectively treat involuntary urination even at night.

Agnus Castus

  • Agnus Castus is another natural remedy for prostate enlargement, a very well-indicated drug used to treat sexual disorders in men due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. Agnus Castus, one of the homeopathic remedies for BPH, can treat weak erections or complete erection loss due to an enlarged prostate. Loss of libido in men with BPH can also be treated well with Agnus Castus.

Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata

  • Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata are very useful in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. Clematis Erecta is indicated when there is difficulty urinating due to an enlarged prostate. The person has to try very hard before the urine begins to flow. Severe burns may occur during the passage of the last drops of urine. In some cases, there may also be dribbling after urinating. Chimaphila umbellata is also useful when a person needs to get tired to start urinating. Burns while urinating may also be present. In extreme cases, the urine is drained with great tension, with the body leaning forward. Clematis Erecta and Chimaphila Umbellata are both natural treatments for prostate enlargement and homeopathic remedies for BPH that are effective with no side effects.

Lycopodium Clavatum

  • Lycopodium Clavatum works wonders for frequent nocturnal urination due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. In addition to frequent nocturnal urination due to an enlarged prostate, another characteristic of the guiding feature for use of Lycopodium Clavatum is the need to wait to start urinating. In short, a person who needs Lycopodium Clavatum passes scanty urine during the daytime and suffers profuse urination at night. Lycopodium Clavatum is also one of the natural treatments for prostate enlargement and also homeopathic remedies for prostate enlargement that are effective and cause no side effects.

Homeopathic prostate enlargement remedies are considered an ideal natural treatment for BPH patients who want to avoid surgery. With no side effects, homeopathic remedies for BPH work naturally and produce excellent results.

Acupuncture for prostate enlargement

Researchers found that acupuncture for prostate enlargement and Chinese herbal medicine are effective in relieving urinary retention caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a condition often referred to as prostate enlargement.

Acupuncture for prostate enlargement is one of the natural treatments for prostate enlargement. Acupuncture is one of the few treatments for prostate problems that have been shown to have positive results.

Acupuncture for prostate enlargement focuses on treating the cause of the enlarged prostate, rather than just relieving the symptoms. Wouldn’t it be great to sleep through the night without having to get up several times to urinate?

In 2012, a study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture for BPH. This study enrolled 100 participants who were receiving acupuncture treatment for prostate enlargement such as urination. Frequent urination decreased urine flow, and effort to urinate. The research found that moderate to severe prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate) improved significantly in their patients, demonstrating that acupuncture treatment for BPH is an effective form of treatment for reducing symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia and improved quality of life.

Other natural treatments for prostate enlargement may include certain measures or lifestyle changes that you can make to relieve your BPH symptoms. These include:

  • Urinate as soon as you feel the urge
  • Avoid over-the-counter decongestants or antihistamines, which can make it difficult to empty your bladder
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, especially in the hours after dinner
  • Reduce your stress levels as nervousness can increase the frequency of urination
  • Exercise regularly as a lack of exercise can make your symptoms worse
  • Learn and practice Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles
  • Stay warm as the cold can make symptoms worse


Natural treatment for prostate enlargement is effective, safe, and affordable. The use of acupuncture and homeopathic remedies for prostate enlargement can save men from surgery and other forms of medical intervention. However, the natural treatment of BPH should be done by a medical doctor and not by an herbalist or naturopath. It is very important to perform a proper lab diagnostic and differential diagnostic to be sure that the enlargement of the prostate gland is benign and not a symptom of prostate cancer.

For an initial holistic evaluation with a medical doctor, Victor Tsan, contact our clinic and schedule your first appointment
