Natural Treatment for High Cholesterol

Treatment for high cholesterol is challenging and often limited to the use of statins that cause many well-known side effects. Cholesterol is a naturally occurring fat substance that is present in all body cells as a crucial component in stimulating hormone production, biliary function, and vitamin D processing. The system only needs a small amount of cholesterol in the blood for normal functioning. Hence, once there is too much fat, it settles on the arterial walls, causing coronary artery disease and other heart problems triggered by arterial blockages. How to lower high cholesterol? Eating natural and healthy foods is the best way to stay fit and active. Some herbs, fruits, and vegetables can also lower high cholesterol.

Natural Treatment for High Cholesterol

For thousands of years, many cultures have used herbs for high cholesterol and homeopathic remedies for high cholesterol as natural remedies to lower cholesterol. However, other natural remedies for high cholesterol as well as many products that are made by drug companies can also help lower high cholesterol.

High cholesterol is a disease that affects millions of people around the world and poses an increased risk of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, heart disease, and stroke. Many people can control their high cholesterol simply by changing their diet and exercising. For those who are still struggling to lower high cholesterol despite working on their diet and exercise can try some of the following natural remedies for high cholesterol below.

Today, many people prefer natural remedies for high cholesterol treatment because it is both effective and safe.

The effectiveness of natural treatment for high cholesterol

Natural remedies for high cholesterol conditions contain powerful natural substances that are known for their medicinal properties. Some of the most common substances used in treating high cholesterol are Policosanol (an extract made from sugar cane and beeswax), Beta-sitosterol (a plant sterol with a chemical structure similar to the structure of cholesterol in your blood), and Aflavins (antioxidant polyphenols from green tea extract).

These natural treatments for high cholesterol can reduce the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) in your body. They improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They prevent your arteries from hardening with cholesterol deposits and reduce your risk of heart problems and stroke.

The safety of natural treatments for high cholesterol

Natural remedies for high cholesterol are full of organic substances that are not harmful to health. So, unlike statins, these drugs don’t cause many side effects. However, it should be noted that you should not use natural remedies or other alternative medications while taking any prescription medication. It is therefore advisable to consult your doctor and stop taking other medications before starting these natural supplements.

When you start taking natural remedies for high cholesterol, you will likely see amazing results in just four or five months. However, you should not stop taking these supplements immediately. You also need to take them in small doses to keep your cholesterol levels under control over the long term.

Natural treatment for high cholesterol – options, pros, and cons

There are many ways, methods, and approaches to answer the question of how to lower high cholesterol? Most of them are natural remedies for high cholesterol and have been shown to work, especially when combined with adequate exercise, a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle, and good stress management skills.

How to lower high cholesterol:

Diet change

How to lower high cholesterol is not difficult. It can all start in your home, especially in your kitchen. The easiest thing to do for your heart is to change your diet and eating preferences, this is one of the natural remedies for high cholesterol. If you love your fried dishes, you might think twice because deep-frying, especially when cooked with highly saturated cooking oil, can only worsen your cholesterol levels.

Making necessary changes to the way you prepare your meals and the types of foods you eat every day are a great place to start in lowering your cholesterol levels.


Policosanol is one of the most popular effective and natural remedies for high cholesterol. It is a natural product made from beeswax and sugar cane that has been the subject of numerous studies. These studies have shown that regular policosanol use is low-risk, which has been shown to reduce leg cramps during exercise, as well as the risk of heart and coronary artery disease. Many people who have taken it have also seen their cholesterol drop as much as 25%.

Homeopathic remedies for high cholesterol – most effective natural treatment for high cholesterol

How to lower high cholesterol with homeopathic remedies is nothing new in the medical field. The use of homeopathic medicines is a natural remedy for high cholesterol and it dates back thousands of years when humans discovered the medicinal value of plants. Homeopathic also treats other illnesses apart from high cholesterol with proven herbal remedies.

Today there are many homeopathic remedies for high cholesterol. Naturally extracted omega-3 fatty acids are used to promote HDL (or good cholesterol) in the body. Apart from the fact that homeopathic remedies for high cholesterol are natural, they also have no side effects. They can be used in conjunction with prescription drugs without affecting the effectiveness of the drugs.

Herbal products – most popular natural treatment for high cholesterol

Herbs are known to contain therapeutic properties that can be used as natural remedies for high cholesterol. Herbal products can come in the form of tablets, pills, and even teas. Each of them effectively lowers LDL levels and prevents cholesterol build-up in the bloodstream.

One of the best benefits people use these herbs for is that they are naturally free and it has no side effects when using it. However, these herbs only work well if you are considering dieting and exercising regularly.

Limit as much as possible your intake of saturated fat found in animal products such as meat, cheese, butter, vegetable oil, etc. Studies have shown that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat can lower bad cholesterol levels by 15 to 30%.

Listed below are herbs for high cholesterol

  • Niacin or Vitamin B3 is one of the herbs for high cholesterol that is very effective in reducing LDL or bad cholesterol by 10%. Studies have also shown that niacin is effective at removing 30% of lipoprotein A. Since the liver produces VDL, or lipoproteins, with a very low density, the arteries become thick as this substance is a major blockage causing the breakdown of the heart. In this case, niacin is responsible for breaking down these fats.
Artichoke leaf
  • Artichoke is also among the herbs for high cholesterol which has been tried and tested herb that lowers high cholesterol. This herb was discovered in 1966 as a proven antioxidant and hepatoprotection. As expected, artichoke leaf can be extracted to stimulate secretion in the liver.
  • Garlic is among the effective natural remedies for high cholesterol and herb for high cholesterol. Studies show that this great benefit results from its primary function as a proven antioxidant. Garlic lowers triglyceride levels, which are the first to be measured when it comes to medical cholesterol tests. Dozens of scientific research projects have confirmed that including two medium-sized cloves of garlic in your daily meals lowers serum cholesterol while preventing cholesterol absorption. The main responsibility of garlic is allicin – the substance that gives the plant its specific smell. For those who cannot stand the smell or who have digestive problems and are intolerant to garlic, some supplements synthesize the main components.
  • Needless to say, garlic was used to cure several diseases many years ago. Garlic is also known as “stinky rose” and is mainly used in cooking. Garlic is rich in allicin and antioxidants, which are good for lowering cholesterol in cancer, high blood pressure, and other related diseases.
Sterols and stanols
  • Sterols are found in plants and have been shown to help lower high cholesterol. On the other hand, stanols are contained in herbal additives or can be added to orange juice, margarine, and salad dressings. Herbs for high cholesterol should be combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise which is an effective natural remedy for high cholesterol. If you cannot remove fatty foods from your regular meals, be sure to choose variations with minimal amounts.

Other great natural remedies for high cholesterol are considered fruits and vegetables to be included in a balanced diet. Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and lime are the stars of such a diet, which is accompanied by apples, strawberries, or kiwis. All thanks to the high content of vitamin C, which is known for its cholesterol and antioxidant properties. Also, recent studies have highlighted the wonders of fish oil as omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid) works in the fight against excess fat in the blood. Alpha-linoleic acid from food is more difficult to ingest, but not impossible. Raw flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, and high-quality sea fish are the main sources of omega-3 fatty acids to include in your diet.

Conclusion on natural treatment for high cholesterol

How to lower high cholesterol? Note that in addition to taking natural medications to lower high cholesterol, you should eat healthily, exercise daily, and avoid tobacco or alcohol consumption to improve your health.

Diet in particular is very important, as the medication is of little use if you are not eating properly. You need to avoid foods that contain trans fats and eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet to keep your cholesterol levels in check. It is advisable to eat right, exercise regularly, and take natural supplements to avoid cholesterol problems.

However, how to lower high cholesterol naturally is a great way to avoid the side effects that many popular prescription drugs are known for. However, it is important to have your cholesterol tested regularly to make sure your efforts are working. When diet, exercise, and these natural remedies like herbs for high cholesterol, and homeopathic remedies for high cholesterol don’t work, you may have no choice but to use cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Natural treatment for high cholesterol in Philadelphia

If you live in Philadelphia or the nearest suburbs like SouthamptonRichboroNewtownHuntingdon ValleyNew HopeWayne, Penn Valley, or Conshohocken Philadelphia Holistic Clinic can be your best choice. At the clinic directed by the Medical Doctor Victor Tsan, you will receive customized natural treatment for high cholesterol.  For more information and schedule your holistic comprehensive evaluation performed by Dr. Tsan contact us at (267) 284-4305 or use our online application
