Most Effective Home remedies for sleep apnea

Home remedies of snoring are safe and effective. Many people don’t consider sleep apnea a serious condition, but if left untreated, it can lead to various other conditions such as depression, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, blood pressure, among others. In the United States alone, it’s estimated that about 20 million people suffer from sleep apnea. Generally, for treating sleep apnea, traditional methods such as wearing CPAP masks at night are recommended, but these treatments don’t always work, and it can be uncomfortable for some people. If you are looking for an effective yet natural approach, there are various home remedies for sleep apnea that can work for you.

Sleep Apnea – Definition

It’s a potentially dangerous disorder where your breathing continuously stops and starts. If you snore continuously or feel tired even if you’ve slept the previous night peacefully, you might be suffering from sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea - Snoring

There are three main types of sleep apnea:

  • Central sleep apnea (CSA): If your brain stops sending the right signals to the muscles that control breathing, you can suffer from this form of sleep apnea
  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): This is the most common form of sleep apnea, and it occurs when your throat muscles relax
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome: If you’re suffering from both central or obstructive sleep apnea, it’s characterized as complex sleep apnea syndrome

Effective treatment can prevent serious complications, such as heart diseases. Regardless of the type of sleep apnea, there are various home remedies of snoring that can provide great results.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Central and obstructive sleep apnea symptoms are quite similar, making it difficult to ascertain which type you’re suffering from. The most common symptoms of central and obstructive sleep apnea include:

  • Irritability
  • Difficulty in paying attention even while awake
  • Hypersomnia
  • Insomnia
  • Morning headache
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Gasping of air while sleeping
  • You can also have episodes where you stop breathing while sleeping
  • Loud snoring

There are numerous symptoms of sleep apnea, and for effective treatment, its crucial that you precisely target the symptoms. There are various home remedies for snoring that can provide great results.

Natural andHome remedies for snoring


Traditionally, surgery, medication, and breathing devices are prescribed for treating sleep apnea. However, these can be quite expensive and harsh for some people. If you want a more holistic treatment, there are various natural remedies for sleep apnea that can provide excellent results without any side effects.

Lose Weight – #1 home remedy of snoring

Losing and maintaining an ideal weight is one of the most essential natural cures for sleep apnea. Research shows that obesity can increase the chances of narrow nasal passages and airway obstruction, which can suddenly make you stop breathing or for a long duration while sleeping. If you have a healthy weight, it can clear your airways and minimize sleep apnea symptoms. Some studies support that even a small weight reduction in obese people can prevent the need for long-term CPAP therapy or upper airway surgery. However, if you regain the weight, the symptoms can return as well. Along with weight loss, you can combine natural treatments for sleep apnea to keep symptoms at bay.

Yoga – great home remedy for snoring

If you’re looking for home remedies of snoringyoga can be another excellent option. Regular exercise strengthens your heart, increases your energy levels, and improves sleep apnea. Yoga can particularly enhance your respiratory strength and enhance oxygen flow. If you’re experiencing decreased oxygen saturation in your blood, you can suffer from sleep apnea. Through various breathing exercises, yoga can enhance your oxygen levels. Because of these benefits, yoga can minimize sleep interruptions associated with sleep apnea.

Acupuncture – ancient Chinese home remedy of snoring

Acupuncture for sleep apnea is another excellent alternative treatment. Acupuncture doesn’t use any harsh medications and instead focuses on encouraging your body’s natural healing system. By inserting very thin needles in particular points of your body, acupuncture can cure various ailments. Research shows that by improving your blood’s SaO2 levels and apnea-hypopnea index, acupuncture for sleep apnea can effectively treat the condition.

Acupuncture doesn’t have any side effects. In the hands of a trained practitioner, you’ll experience no bruising or bleeding. You can even combine acupuncture with other home remedies of snoring to increase its effectiveness. However, it’s important to note that it’ll take multiple sessions before you see positive results.

Herbal Remedies – popular home remedies of snoring

Medicinal Herbs - home remedies of snoring

Many people also see great results through herbs for sleep apnea. There are various herbs, and you’ll have to experiment with a few before you find the most effective one. Lavender, in particular, has been found to be very effective for treating sleep apnea. Research shows that it can stabilize your mood and promote deep sleep, which can be very beneficial for sleep apnea patients. Other herbs for sleep apnea include citrus and jasmine.

Herbal tea can also provide great results. Valerian tea has been routinely used to treat sleep disorders, and the same applies to sleep apnea as well. However, herbs for sleep apnea can counteract certain medications. If you’re going to use herbs for sleep apnea, you must consult your doctor first.

Homeopathy – #1 on the list of home remedies of snoring

Many sleep apnea patients also swear by the effectiveness of homeopathy. Homeopathy doesn’t just concentrate on your symptoms but your entire self. Homeopathic remedies for snoring don’t use any harsh chemicals and instead activates your body’s natural healing system. Homeopathy can not only cure your current symptoms but prevent future problems as well.

There are various homeopathic remedies for snoring, such as Opium, Spongia, Lachesis, Sulphur, and Arsenicum Album. An advantage of homeopathy is that treatment can be personalized to treat your particular condition. Homeopathy has no side effects and can be used with other alternative and home remedies for snoring.

Hypnosis – effective natural home remedy of snoring

Hypnosis for sleep apnea can also aid you in your recovery. By accessing your subconscious mind, hypnosis can help you recall when you experienced undisturbed sleep patterns. Research shows that hypnosis can help with both CSA and OSA symptoms. Hypnosis has no side effects, and it’s a misconception that it can cause brainwashing. However, you’ll need multiple sessions before you see results.


home remedies of snoring


If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, you must seek treatment as soon as possible. The above-mentioned home remedies for sleep apnea can treat your condition in a holistic and safe way. However, if you still don’t see any results, you must consult a specialist as soon as possible. The term snoring doesn’t sound dangerous, however, sleep apnea is a serious medical condition without proper treatment can cause severe consequences and sometimes even death. For holistic natural remedies for snoring contact Philadelphia Holistic Clinic and schedule an appointment for evaluation and treatment with Dr. Tsan. At the clinic, we have specialists in all holistic treatment techniques working under the supervision of the medical doctor Victor Tsan.
