Hypnosis for sleeping is one of the most effective and safe when performed by a well-trained specialist treatment approaches. Every human being on this planet needs to sleep. It is recommended that you have at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep – though so many people only manage to squeeze in only 4 hours. However, for some people, they find it difficult to sleep. It is either they cannot fall asleep easily or find it difficult to stay asleep. This condition of having difficulty sleeping is called insomnia. Sleep disturbances are a serious issue because they can lead to personality changes such as easy irritability. In more severe cases, it can lead to psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorders and so on. In other cases, it can lead to daytime drowsiness which affects a person’s ability to concentrate. This can lead to work-related and road-related accidents and can reduce efficiency at work and could be fatal at times. For example, a person can sleep at the wheel of a car which can most-likely lead to serious or even fatal accidents. We are going to talk more about insomnia and how hypnosis for sleeping can help you overcome insomnia.
What is insomnia?
Simply put, insomnia is the inability to sleep or the inability to stay asleep for normal periods. There are two types of insomnia – primary and secondary insomnia. Primary insomnia is caused by disorders of the central nervous system – which consists of the brain and spinal cord – which can directly affect sleep. Alternatively, it can be caused by defects in the upper airways which can also directly affect sleep. Some of these disorders include sleep apneas, nocturnal myoclonus, and restless leg syndrome. In sleep apneas, your airways become completely or partially blocked when you sleep. This makes you wake up in the middle of the night. In many cases, you may not even know you have insomnia. Nocturnal myoclonus happens to be involuntary limb movement during sleep which makes it difficult for you to stay asleep. Restless leg syndrome comes as an uneasy feeling in your legs which makes it difficult for you to get some sleep. Secondary insomnia is caused by other diseases which can affect sleep indirectly such as depression, anxiety, serious pains which makes it difficult to sleep, and side effects of drugs or toxic chemicals.
Hypnosis for sleeping aka Hypnosis for insomnia:
People with insomnia can benefit from hypnotherapy for sleeping. Conventionally, sedatives like diazepam and antidepressants are used to treat insomnia. However, this depends on the cause of insomnia as sedatives would be inappropriate if insomnia is caused by sleep apnea (sedatives can depress the respiratory system and make apnea worse). These drugs also have their side effects and may not be safe for some people. Hypnotherapy can be of benefit to people who want to avoid the side effects of drugs or want an alternative treatment for their insomnia. Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to treat certain health issues. Sleeping hypnosis can work for insomnia because it affects various parts of the brain responsible for sleep and pain. Sleep hypnosis is an altered consciousness that makes a person’s mind more open to suggestions. Hypnosis for sleep can reduce stress, pain, anxiety and many other disorders which can cause secondary insomnia. Different techniques of hypnosis can be used in the treatment of insomnia depending on the cause. Some techniques which can be used include self-hypnosis, ego strengthening, hypnotherapeutic interviews, and autogenic training.
For primary insomnia, there is little evidence yet for hypnosis when it comes to nocturnal myoclonus. However, for restless leg syndrome, Hypnosis for insomnia is very helpful. Self-hypnosis which involves teaching people how to hypnotize themselves is usually used in most conditions of insomnia. Other sleeping hypnosis techniques like ego strengthening which uses suggestions to improve self-image, and autogenic training to detect issues with the nervous system which can cause restless leg symptoms, jet lags or other nervous problems which can cause insomnia.
For secondary insomnia, the approach remains the same. If insomnia is caused by pain, hypnotherapy which is proven to reduce pain can help solve the problem. Also, ego strengthening can be used to improve the conditions and perception of pain. Self-hypnosis is also an important tool in improving insomnia. If insomnia is caused by depression, hypnosis can be used in addition to other forms of treatment to treat depression and anxiety. Hypnosis also works synergistically with sedatives and antidepressants commonly used in the treatment of insomnia especially when it occurs with depression. Having Hypnosis for insomnia sessions may reduce your need for sedatives and antidepressants. A study of hypnosis for sleeping in chronic insomnia linked to intrusive thoughts (rumination) which is a common feature seen in depression and PTSD showed hypnosis to be effective. Disturbing thoughts, especially at night, can lead to insomnia. The issue with depression or other psychiatric disturbances is that they require high skills in hypnosis and a multi-disciplinary (or holistic) approach to treatment. Issues such as jet lag or insomnia due to a shift change can be treated with simple Hypnosis for insomnia techniques.
Hypnosis for sleeping in Philadelphia
For more details about our clinic and to schedule an appointment for Hypnosis for insomnia with the internationally recognized hypnotherapist and medical doctor Victor Tsan call Philadelphia Hypnotherapy Clinic (267) 403-3085
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